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Your guides are some of the best in the world, Darth. I don't see you charging any sats for your guides but you are also the strongest believer of pay-to-post so I can conclude that you think people's time has value and it's ok to charge money for things.
I think if you have a good guide, it's fine for you to attempt to sell products that are valuable. For example, I use PunchPlate because I think it is the best product for the price in the US. It ranked AAAA on Lopp's stress test and is a nicely finished product.
These plates are a great value and I use them a lot: https://codl.co/collections/24-word-punchplates
I have led lots of people to buy them but one day I learned that I could both offer people a discount and even earn some sats for driving people to a product that I was already sending people to use.
If you use the promo code "WIB", then you get $3.75 discount and I earn some sats too.
I think a website can offer free education and still make honest money with a promo code and this is exactly how.