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@realBitcoinDog wants to know if I am stealing from the rewards pool by zapping all sports posts with the Stacker Sports account.
I want to know if he is a mega assmilker trying to get sats by being provocative?
Before voting let’s check the data:
Yes clearly a mega assmilker38.1%
Numbers don’t lie33.3%
I still love RBD despite his assmilking28.6%
21 votes \ poll ended
I’ll have you know I zapped this post 1000 sats not because it deserved it, but because I was early and expect high ROI on my investment 🤓
Thank you.
True ass-milkers understand and support each other, it's a symbiotic relationship~~
Too bad for RBD his value rank sucks so my 1k zap on his post will go a lot further than his 1k zap on mine.
The two organisms, termed symbionts, can be either in a mutualistic, a commensalistic, or a parasitic relationship.[3] In 1879, Heinrich Anton de Bary defined symbiosis as "the living together of unlike organisms".
Seems like your case is covered too :)
Even though I must admit, when I posted it, that I assumed symbiosis was necessarily mutualistic, and it would not cover the parasitic subclass.
Haha I love it. Science territory saves the day.
What if I love him BECAUSE of his assmilking? 😊
You wrote the guide so that would make sense.
What can I say. He has big hands.
I often compare my hands to Satoshi Nakamoto
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark 9 Jan
I don't know... Satoshi has some pretty big gloves to fill.
101 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 8 Jan
I voted yes. Don’t know for sure, but I have a feeling.
He or she has to prove they’re not.
Yes is a given but do you still love him despite his assmilking ways?
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 8 Jan
No, I don’t like his assmilking ways. And, judging by his comment here, he has proven himself to be an assmilker.
Nah he is cool. He is just a shit disturber and wants to stir the pot.
Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I zap at least twice a day.
Gotta do what you gotta do.
I'll vote for: he's a stupid stupid man if you add it as an option~~
That's a given. Haha. You can vote you still love him despite his assmilking. It's essentially the same thing.
This post survives. Why they didn't downzap it?
Also, why are you trying to steal my show?
RBD and I are in a good old fashioned gentleman’s quarrel.
That's cool. I'm enjoying the nasty quarrel for sure.
But all this is stealing my biggest title on SN
the greatest Assmilker in SN history...
Say it this is not an attempt of stealing this before my eyes.
Greatest is still greatest. Mega is less than greatest. Haha
deleted by author
If @realBitcoinDog had just paid a year's worth of territory rent, his numbers would look incredible.
True. He should start a territory and support the SN ecosystem.
Even is you deduct my total territory payments, which includes pre paying this entire year. I am still spending 70% of what I am stacking. RBD only spending 52% of what he is stacking.
I used to spend 100%. Sad!
So I’m much improved.
Only 50k sats to start one now, but I’ll still want u to come in 50/50 for 25k sats 😈
Not you… @StackerSports alter ego
Stacker Sports has stacked around 800k sats and spent around 400k. However Stacker Sports paid out this years NFL survivor pool outside of SN 450k sats so the stacked and spent is very similar.
Would you like to make a deal with me?
Any ideas about new territory?
At a minimum I’d maybe revive AskSN
That was impressive but it failed miserably when it was up because those high value Stackers saw it as a machine of making shit post more often.
Why because they wanted AskSN stuff in meta.
All time stats for AskSN. 👀
The top two options are against RBD which means he'll be designated recipient of "Mega Assmilker" for sure. Although, I've voted against him but also love him.