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I rescind my offer. Haha
Gen X health does have a nice right to it.
Us old guys do need to look after ourselves.
I think @Undisciplined wanted in on health and fitness. He is trying to be a territory mogul.
Hey that works for me u do 25k, I do 5k and he does 20k and it’s my territory I run it. I’ll take whatever sats I can get to fund my dream!
ABS 2025!
Be in dreams forever, you woof woof... Shameless uptail uptail.
Where am I in all this? I think I made the offer first so it's my right to claim personalised territory name first.
The more the merrier I say especially if it just a test.
We can do 4 of us together and test it for 4 months. Then everyone’s max investment is 50k sats.
After 4 months we can decide if we should keep going.
Sound good?
I want one commitment from each of us that we'll try to publish one post everyday.
Then I'm in.
I'll make a daily yogasana posts with how to and benefits.
I don’t know if I can commit to one post per day but if I am involved I will be posting and be active in the territory.