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The name satoshi has multiple meaning and written in multiple ways as 哲, 悟, 敏, 智, 慧, 訓, or 諭, which have the following meanings: 哲 means "intelligent, philosophy, clear" 悟 means "bodhi, enlightenment, apprehension" 敏 means "quick, sharp" 智 means "knowledge, wisdom" 慧 means "bright, intelligent" 訓 means "teach, instruct" 諭 means "teach, to lead"
The Japanese "naka" written as 中 means “Inside,” “Middle,” or “Within”
The Japanese word moto also (元) has multiple meanings, including: "origin or source", "foundation or basis" and "cause". But it doesn't directly refer to a book. The Japanese word for "book" is 本 (hon)
I'm also calling @cryotosensei to check this as homework from a very diligent student.