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In Japanese parents attribute a name with various Chinese characters which can have the same pronunciation but a totally different meaning. Since Nakamoto Satoshi is anonymous and maybe not even Japanese, nobody will ever know how his name should be written. Anyone who gives you the meaning of his name, or write his name on an image will likely forever be potentially wrong. Below you have a website showing you 335 ways of writing Satoshi (you have to take my word for it since it is in Japanese): https://pon-navi.net/nazuke/name/reading/m/%E3%81%95%E3%81%A8%E3%81%97 She was maybe thinking about Satoshi 悟史, where the first character means enlightenment.
Actually I am pretty close to think that people writing his name are like people who needs an image of God. If God exists who knows how he looks like? For some reason people need to have an image or something written, and want to know who he is.