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I don't really care what the split is but let's not over complicate this.
My suggestion was we commit to a four month trial (I don't think one month is long enough). If there are 4 of us and we split it evenly it caps our max investment at 50k sats which would be the same as testing a territory for a month individually.
I am happy for RBD to be the managing partner in this.
I'm fine with an equal split, too, but I wanted to call you a commie. If RBD and @IamSINGLE want to be the controlling shareholders, that's also cool with me.
Absolutely. Let them do all the work. (Not so) silent partner is a great role.
Cool ok yea each pay for one month.
I’ve only got 20k sats in the bank right now tho so I’ve gotta earn another 30k sats before I can pay for a month 😅
Luckily about to record another podcast episode so that’ll help!
~HealthAndFitness works for me
We can all pitch in 12500 to pay the first month. I just meant the math works out to paying one month each. I didn't mean we actually had to do it that way. I am fine paying 12500 every month for 4 and then reassessing.
Ok yea spreading out the payments works!! Do it equally
If we make the territory profitable, then you'll make your 12.5k back in time for the next month's rent.