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I was around during Carter's presidency. He was loathed by the entire country, including by his own party. When Teddy Kennedy entered the race that was a huge humiliation.
I think this is one reason that Regan won his race so handily. I remember the lines at the gas stations the most. Our pain was certainly being shared by all of the people, but not the ELites. Rothbard clearly identifies the source of the pain: inflation. He does not say much about the stagflation that was going on, though. Job hunting at the time was hugely difficult, too.
Yes it was. I remember looking for a job early in Reagan's first term, and it wasn't easy.
I did the same. It was a very difficult time for everybody. I finally took a job in sales on commission. They were willing to give them out easily enough. The problem was making the sales to have a commission! Those were mighty lean years.
15 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 10 Jan
Me too! In fact I think I mentioned it once a while ago on SN. I was doing telephone sales of Arizona Highways magazine.
Yes, those were very lean times. I was happy to be doing face-to-face sales in insurance. They had really good sales training, though. I only used the phone, then, for making face-to-face appointments. After 2008, i took a job in sales that was telephone only. Lived through that one, too.