This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
"Sandy Hook Families Seek $2.75 Trillion in Damages From Alex Jones"
The Sandy Hook families should be sued for making a mockery out of the US courts
The fact that the courts won't reject such absurd claims means the courts are the ones making a mockery of justice. Even Elon Musk, the richest person in human history, couldn't pay $2.75 trillion before dying (his net worth is ~$200 billion).
Finalizing packing for my trip to the Stihl Timbersports World Championship in Gothenburg Sweden 🪓
Just checked this out thanks dude !
Looks amazing, enjoy !
Made a bit more progress with my cabin project yesterday 🙂 I managed to fix the membrane to both rooflines. It still needs some adjustments (as seen on the pics below). I'm traveling over the weekend so I'll resume my works on Monday 🙂
Have a great weekend everybody!
love seeing this progress- in awe of your skills
Thanks! 🙂
Coming out really well, what do you plan on using it for.
For now, mostly retreat and perhaps as headquarters 😅 My girlfriend and I are moving in once the windows and doors are fixed 🙂 Also I got a hot tub & a chest freezer waiting to be setup 🙂
Looking good 👍🏻
Can someone help me out regarding dca buys on Swan? I like the idea of automatic buys AND automatic sweeps to my cold wallet. My issue is I don't reuse addresses. Do all these people doing these sweeps just reuse an address?
You can choose "Single Address" or "Multiple Addresses":
Multiple Addresses require that you share your cold storage's xPub with Swan:
Of course, that means Swan can see your balance and know of other transactions to any addresses using that xPub.
To prevent this, with ColdCard, you can set an "account number" (a custom derivation path). You need to keep a record of this "account number" / custom derivation path (e.g., keep it along with your seed backup), otherwise I don't think you'll have success trying to recover without it).
Derivation Paths and Accounts

Also, remember that every "automatic sweep" creates a UTXO on your cold storage. Sure, you can spend those cheaply today. But who knows N years in the future what the fee per UTXO will run.
Tbh, I have never heard of automatic withdrawals with multiple addresses. I could be wrong but I don't know of any provider that has this feature.
You could exchange the address manually every now ad then. Or an exchange that has withdrawals via lightning? Or move them manually every no now and then via coinjoin? Is that any help?
Thanks for the response. I agree that it is probably impossible to have automatic transfers to multiple addresses. What I'm really curious about is that Swan publicizes automatic withdrawal to cold storage, which doesn't seem practical. I have also heard influential bitcoiners (I believe Guy Swann, for example) tout this feature