If aliens exist and have been visiting us, they have been so successful at remaining hidden and evidence-free yet the reports of having been seen are true; then they must have technology so advanced that we cant fathom the level of control they possess over space, time and causality such that it's impossible for us to collect any evidence of their presence without their consent. If this is the case, then they objectively can be no threat to us since they would have been among us for millennia (perhaps since our inception) and have not destroyed us yet. Alternative explanations are:
  • we are so uninteresting and commonplace that we garner no attention from them.
  • there is a galactic order preventing them from contacting us
  • the speed of light is an immutable limitation on the universe and its physically impossible for any civilization to have found or reached us in the short time of our existence
  • the story of adam and eve is true and we are a child race under the protection of custodians
  • the simulation theory
  • evidence of aliens are easily explainable by hallucinations and BS artists
  • aliens are actually demonic influences and we are the only life in the physical universe
I believe!

Could Satoshi Nakamoto be an alien sent to help us? #58591