I created an invoice for approximately 350,000 sats in my Phoenix wallet after confirming that my inbound liquidity was around 470,000. I then wrapped the invoice with an LN proxy Hodl invoice and initiated a payment from Strike. The payment status is was stuck as “initiated.”
When I checked my Phoenix wallet again, I noticed that my inbound liquidity had suddenly dropped from 470,000 to 250,000. I had previously purchased inbound liquidity and resized the channel, and it hasn’t even been a year since then. I suspect that It seems the unexpected reduction in channel size caused the 350,000 sats to getting stuck during the payment process(?)
Fortunately, I received my funds back from Strike (possibly due to the HTLC being refunded). However, based on the situation described above, I’m wondering: Could the issue have been caused by LNproxy being unable to pay my original invoice due to the sudden reduction in channel liquidity on Phoenix, preventing it from obtaining the preimage? Or was the issue on Strike’s end, where they couldn’t pay the Hodl invoice? As far as I know, Phoenix wallet’s default Bolt 11 invoice expiration is about a week, so why did I receive my funds back so quickly?
Or perhaps none of the above, and I’ve misunderstood the situation entirely?
5,000 sats paid