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I am now founder of the ~HealthAndFitness Territory on Stacker News. That's it! I did it! I've done it! Not only have I joined the Stacker News community, as referred by @grayruby, and contributed with my insightful posts and loving comments, but I have now made my mark and chartered a territory as a founding member.
There was previously a ~health Territory that died charging a thousand sats a post. There was previously a ~fitness Territory that died, but the founder of Stacker News, @k00b, has promised in his pitch deck that with Stacker News, we can make communities that are immortal, that last forever, self-funded communities. And what community is more likely to be immortal than not health nor fitness, but ~HealthAndFitness?
Of course, I have joined, and my fellow founding members, @grayruby, @Undisciplined, and @IamSINGLE, each helping contribute a quarter of the sats needed to charter the Territory for one month, 50,000 sats, and we look forward to charging all contributors to post to our Territory 99 sats if they want to make a post to our beautiful Territory members in health and fitness. I think, again, this is where I say it's so early!, it speaks to our Bitcoiner values and our low time preference values that health and fitness are at the forefront.
Think about our legacies, think about our children, think about saving our life force, our energy in an asset that does not depreciate over time, that does not decay over time, that is not subject to political jurisdiction risk. The wealthiest of the wealthy, they're not buying equities, they're not trading fast stocks, they're buying real assets, gold, real estate, property, timeless art pieces, things that their value lasts eternal, they're ubiquitous, they're not at the whim of these CEOs or boards of directors that make poor choices.
We know with Bitcoin, human decision-making is fallible. The central bank needs to get humbled because I trust all of my value of my time and energy and a few lines of code more than the experts. And so health and fitness is right with that. And how many experts are there telling us the right way to eat, the right way to diet, the right way to exercise? How many times has the government changed their food pyramid? So many times. How much is big food industry telling you what to eat? I'll admit for myself personally, I've spent zero time looking into the seed oils controversy. But if so many Bitcoiners are going to be anti-seed oils, works for me. I've always been an olive oil and coconut oil kind of a guy anyways. I've never been someone to do beef tallow. I'm not opposed to it, but I just wouldn't know where to start with having beef tallow.
But yeah, let's get into it. Let's get into health and fitness, this territory. Let this be the spicy one. Let this be the controversial one. It's a natural fit, in my opinion. First, you had Stacker News. First, you had discussions, fierce debate and discussions over the future of Bitcoin and of lightning. Then you had GrayRuby bring on sports and athleticism. Again, I think that's a natural fit of talking about athletes at the peak of their game of top performance. What's that 1% edge? Again, very merit-based thing. I think that's why Bitcoiners are attracted to sports. It's just a fair game of rules. Follow the rules. What is the talent? And then now is that next paradigm.
Let it be the case that the second most popular territory in Stacker News is health and fitness. Something that's not done and dusted. Something that's not settled. And let me kick it off by talking about my 2025 goal, ABS 2025.
So quick story, 10 years ago, I had just started dating my girlfriend, now my wife. And I had told her, ABS 2015. 2015 is going to be the year. If I can't get ABS in 2015, it's never going to happen. And lo and behold, 2015 came and went. 2016, 2017. And I just told everyone, you know, it's just still 2015, ABS 2015. The goal is still to get ABS in the year 2015. If I can't get ABS in 2015, it's never going to happen. So it's just always 2015. Well, here we are, 2025. And I can say ABS 2015 did not succeed, but it's not too late. It's never too late.
She's given me a renewed push, especially after I've had difficulty losing the baby weight of having a second child. You know I'm talking about Grey Ruby, how hard it is to lose that baby weight as a father. So ABS 2025. If I can't get ABS in the year 2025, it's going to take me another decade. So here we go. And luckily, I know where the ABS are made. They're not made on the track. They're not made in the weight room on the bench. They're made in the kitchen.
80-20, body fat. That's the name of the game. As a man, if you want to have ABS, you've got to lower your body fat to 8%, maybe even 6%. So I think for men, it's more of an advantage to get ABS than women. Needless to say, it'll be a very difficult, very ambitious goal. My starting weight for the year, I think, was 223 pounds. No Grey Ruby, no international audience will not be giving my weight in kilograms. Everybody, everyone knows pounds is the standard. If you're not with America, you're against us. We're using pounds. I will make an exception. If you measure your weight in stone, which is a British weight, I will allow that because that's just fun to say how many stone do you weigh? I mean, how do you not love that? But otherwise, pounds is the way.
So I have not done too much exercise to start the year. So far, I've only done one run. Last year, I had a goal to go running every day, to do at least a mile every day. That worked pretty well until my son was born. Then that really went off the rails. But now it's just about the ABS. And that's the thing is, you know, I've had my share of donuts. I've had my share of Krispy Kremes. If I had ever been to a Tim Hortons, I would say that I had whatever Canadian pastry that Tim Hortons has. Canadian, do they have Vermont maple syrup in Tim Hortons? I don't know. It's got to be something to go with the Horton Hears a Who elephant coffee, something like that.
So anyway, ABS 2025. That's the goal. That's the dream. That's the vision. The ABS are made in the kitchen. I'm enjoying the health and fitness territory. I'm starting new ideas. Roast my receipt to talk about what was my grocery receipt. What are the foods I'm buying? What are the foods I'm feeding my family? Maybe I'll take a picture of my shopping cart next time and do a crash my cart so that you can just visually see what's in the cart and judge me for what I have in there.
And let's have fun with this. Who says that the fitness weight loss journey doesn't have to be fun? I can't wait to share my progress with you all. It sounds like @denlillaapan @Aardvark, each of them have very personal stories about nutrition and supplements and supplementation. And I'm here for it. So let's go. ABS 2025. We'll see if the health and fitness territory stands immortal, shiny and chrome because it's so early.
One of your better episodes.
What makes it better? Better attempts at jokes and humor? Greater voice inflection? Shorter is better?
Tell me what the fans want!
Not talking about potty training. Haha
I think when you add some humour in it is really great. My personal favourite was the pod you talked about the dog taking the bagel from your daughter and you said β€œlike taking bagel from a baby” and of course when you compared yourself to Satoshi on our pod. Quality stuff.
Cool I’ll try to think of my quips like that for my solo acts 😎
Let's make a fitness tracker post, where Stackers post their goals and visit daily to repost their achievements.
Start it! I'm game!
What is Ayurveda anyways?
It's Sanskrit for "study of life"
It's a Fucking pseudoscience!!!
Sure, whatever
Ayurveda? You can say it's herbal medicine or natural way of treatment.
Ayurveda is a pseudoscience concept created by retard sages centuries ago while jerking around in woods. Many pople have died believing these retarded texts.
Love you πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
pounds are retard units.
stupid europeans and their stupid european opinions