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Hello, stackers! šŸ‘‹šŸ¤ 
I have a slight doubt, have the people from the Green wallet left the lightning network? šŸŸ¢
For a few months I had been managing a small LN channel in this wallet. A few days ago the application was presenting errors (I couldn't access it) when trying to enter it the app closed itself. So, I uninstalled it, went back to their page and looked for the link that will take me to F-droid. Where I reinstalled my wallet.
Everything is normal, my On-chain balance was there, however the option to restore the LN channel has disappeared.
Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with all the information that revolves around Bitcoin so I turn to the community to try to find the answer from those stackers who may be 247 working only on & its multiple derivatives.
If you are reading this, I thank you šŸ™šŸ¤  and if you can add any comments, it is x2 šŸ™šŸ¤ 
From what I remember LN in Green Wallet was marked as an "Experimental" feature, and to access that you needed to set something in preferences to "access experimental features"
I don't understand why they still keep the LN part in "experimental".
I was surprised, at this point LN should be a fact and not something experimental.
who knows, maybe indeed as you said they want to get rid of LN and push crap Liquid... Will not be a surprise.
That's right mate.
"access experimental features"
This option is gone. I was always aware that the "experimental" option just meant "may disappear soon" and luckily being aware of that, I didn't have a lot of funds in that wallet, just some SATS meant for commissions. Less than 1000 SATS. (which disappeared, worth mentioning)
I'm just trying to find an answer to whether the LN option stopped working, and at the same time trying to let others know that it's no longer working (in case it's useful for another stacker)
Can you downgrade to previous version?
Understanding what @DarthCoin showed me is what I should do in that version, everything remains the same...
Now I need to learn how to install an older version of the wallet. (There are not many SATS trapped there, but it is worth learning) also
we must not forget SATS=Scarce.
For me, 1 SATS is just as valuable as 1M SATS. (everything counts, and each SATS recruited is a soldier willing to die for you and save you from a difficult situation in the future)
Go to github and install an older version https://github.com/Blockstream/green_android/releases You should already use Obtainium with direct repository on their github not other bullshit app store or fuck-droid.
Activate the experimental and restore the LN node, see if is OK. Then update to the latest. If this works we should post the issue on their github.
Ok I'll do that, thanks for your help. same as always šŸ™šŸ¤ 
Blockstream Green has a telegram support channel
Thank you very much for the mention.
the sats weren't restored in your onchain ?
Negative. There are no new transactions, just a few SATS on On-chain that I have left since the channel opened.
You need to activate first the "experimental" feature, that is the LN node.
If I'm not mistaken, that option used to appear in "app settings" and it's not there anymore.
only the following options appear
  • enhanced privacy
  • tor
  • connect from a proxy
  • remember this hardware
  • activate Testnet
custom servers and validation
  • personal electrum server
  • SPV verification
Excuse me but what is the version number you have here?
I'm on Github where you sent me in the other message #844911
4.1.2 is the latest for android
Thank you very much for your help. I have already installed an older version and I can see the channel and my SATS again. (which I just removed from there)
OMG, that's what mine looked like... Sorry for being so clumsy, I need to go back to the previous version then.
Maybe because I just updated over an old version the experimental is still there. If they remove it for new installs, then... is a major issue. @blockstream_official what do you say about this?
As far as I understand it you would have generated a BIP85 set of keys for your Greenlight node, if you still have those 12 words, you should be able to regain access, but I have not personally tried this using Green yet so I speak under correction
Try enabling exerimental features again on the app Then adding the LN wallet and use the seed phrase the wallet created for you previously and see if you can restore it
Thank you for your attention and your help. Fortunately, this can now be solved. The master @DarthCoin told me that I could return to a previous version from Github and be able to access the "experimental functions" which was a success. This way I could see my LN channel again, and my SATS in the channel. I have already emptied that channel, and I keep it in case it doesn't disappear.