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I try to wake up like you—on my own—but not having a kid in the house makes that a little easier, I suppose. Usually around 8.
There's a routine I follow, with doing some stretches, brushing my teeth, stick my head out the window and calmly breath the air.
Then I go to the kitchen and grind my coffee beans manually. Usually in all of this I'm listening to a podcast and easing into the morning.
There is rarely any food aside from what I call pre-breakfast— any piece of meat or food (salami or leftovers) so that I'm not having coffee on a completely empty stomachs since that tends to irritate my gut.
Around mid-day, depending on whether I'm taking a long walk up the mountains (basically, the weather decides), I'll have a large meal (meat, eggs, bacon, cheese).
Then, let the day begin!
That sounds very peaceful.
I'm hoping our next move will allow for something more like that.