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I try to start and end my days well, even when the middle gets a little messy.
I'm fortunate to not have to use an alarm clock to wake up. I work remotely and have a good deal of schedule flexibility, so I sleep until I wake up naturally. Of course, I also have a little kid, so "waking up naturally" isn't always as peaceful as it sounds.
I've been into intermittent fasting for quite a while and I added dry fasting into the mix around a year ago.
I end my dry fast relatively early with a cup of coffee around 8:00am or so. If no one else (aka my wife) has made coffee, I'll push it later. I like to put coconut oil, coconut milk, sea salt, turmeric, and cinnamon in my coffee.
The first thing I eat, around 9:00 or 10:00 am, are three Brazil nuts. That's just about the only way to get an optimal level of selenium in your diet. By my understanding of ketosis, this shouldn't be enough to take my body out of a ketogenic state.
I try to get a couple thousand steps in while getting ready for work, helping out with the kid, and refilling my coffee.
I put off eating anything more substantial until my wife cooks something, which is usually in the early afternoon. However, as a dad, there are often good amounts of leftovers and other would be food waste that I'll eat when available.
How do you try to start your days and do you also find it easier to control how your days start than how they go in the middle?
I try to wake up like you—on my own—but not having a kid in the house makes that a little easier, I suppose. Usually around 8.
There's a routine I follow, with doing some stretches, brushing my teeth, stick my head out the window and calmly breath the air.
Then I go to the kitchen and grind my coffee beans manually. Usually in all of this I'm listening to a podcast and easing into the morning.
There is rarely any food aside from what I call pre-breakfast— any piece of meat or food (salami or leftovers) so that I'm not having coffee on a completely empty stomachs since that tends to irritate my gut.
Around mid-day, depending on whether I'm taking a long walk up the mountains (basically, the weather decides), I'll have a large meal (meat, eggs, bacon, cheese).
Then, let the day begin!
That sounds very peaceful.
I'm hoping our next move will allow for something more like that.
I put off eating anything more substantial until my wife cooks something, which is usually in the early afternoon. However, as a dad, there are often good amounts of leftovers and other would be food waste that I'll eat when available.
Ah, yes, this seems to be a universal experience among dads, and one of the reasons it's easy to gain weight as a dad.
I've almost completely stopped preparing anything for myself, because there's almost invariably something that no one else is going to eat.
85 sats \ 3 replies \ @Natalia 4h
I normally wake up naturally and start my days with a Turkish breakfast, simple and healthy, then do some writing while sipping coffee:)
Are you back in Turkey? Do you stick with that routine, regardless of where your are?
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 3h
I can take the things I've learned everywhere with me:) it also depends on where I'm in, but I LOVE Turkish breakfast! basically you just mix different things with bread. 😂
You don't have to tell me. I'm dipping bread in some Indian soup as we speak.
26 sats \ 4 replies \ @398ja 3h
I usually have my first meal around 12-1 pm, or sometimes earlier, at 11, like today, because of the unusual cold weather.
I routinely record some health markers every morning, first thing after waking up. It will take me 1 to max 2 minutes to do.
Then exercise, a hot raw chocolate cup on empty stomach (best part of the day), and a 30 minute walk in the cold in t-shirt.
I have to admit that my routine can easily get disrupted if I go late to bed, which I try to avoid as much as possible. I'm good to nothing when tired and lacking sleep...
What is this "hot raw chocolate cup" you speak of? That sounds right up my alley. Dark chocolate is my go to snack during the day.
I like the cold exposure. That's one of my guiding health principles, but I don't go out of my way for it.
33 sats \ 2 replies \ @398ja 3h
Actually raw cacao, to be precise. They call it "ceremonial" cacao, but I think it's just marketing... I can't do coffee anymore, only max once a week. The cacao, unlike coffee, relaxes my nerves, and I get a buzz that lasts for quite a long time. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
I've seen products like that and always wanted to try it. I might see if the wife will try a mocha blend of that and coffee.
I really want to try some of those mushroom coffee alternatives, but that's a complete non-starter with the wife.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 3h
A friend if mine recently introduced me to the raw cacao thing. It's very niche, I think, but quite well established industry with very high quality products, that are really worth every cent.
Mushroom coffee, oh. Had never heard of it. I've just quickly googled and I'm curious now... Will look more into it. Thanks
when school season is in, it's up at 6, out the door with the kids at 6.25 with a cup of black coffee in the car (more for routine as I have zero response to caffeine, literally does nothing)
at about 7.20am I'm back home and in the (home) gym, I train 5 days a week, and usually every 2-3 months I take a few weeks off to rest and do yoga
after about an hour, hour 20 mins, I finish up, make a cup of tea, and sit my ass in front of the computer, then about 9 am I have a protein shake, supplements, walnuts, and some raisins.
then it's full-bore assmilking on SN / doing things I'm supposed to be doing.
when kids are on school break, the only glorious difference is i go to bed later and wake up whenever i want
Being able to wake up without an alarm clock has been a high priority for me. I love it.
it's literally so nice, just gradually wake up, have a cup of something in bed, read for a bit. love it
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 4h
I do that too!
122 sats \ 5 replies \ @Aardvark 5h
I can't fast, I hate it. I start my day with 4 scrambled eggs and black coffee.
I'm curious what attempts at fasting you've tried. I basically stop eating around 6pm and then delay eating the next day until I get really hungry or until my wife cooks. I'm not very rigorous about duration.
26 sats \ 3 replies \ @Aardvark 4h
I tried waiting in the morning but I just don't like it. I have success with meal planning and calorie counting. I honestly just don't like feeling hungry.
For some reason, this works better for me than meal planning and nutrient counting (although, I'll have to do a post about the extreme nutrient optimization I did in college).
26 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark 4h
I always tell people that the best diet is the one that works for you personally. I know a lot of people who habe had success with IM, Keto, Carnivore etc. But personally, I just like a balanced diet and measuring my food.
the best diet is the one that works for you
196 sats \ 1 reply \ @gandules 5h
My daily routine consists of:
  1. Waking up at 05:30
  2. Hydrating with water and using the restroom
  3. Having a light breakfast of one slice of bread, one slice of American cheese, and two tablespoons of honey
  4. Catching up on current events by watching YouTube headlines
  5. Downloading a local podcast for listening during my morning walk
  6. Embarking on a 5KM morning walk while listening to the podcast
  7. Incorporating some physical activity with a 1KM rest jog
  8. Refreshing myself with a shower and getting cleaned up
  9. Consuming 3 ounces (0.11 kg) of raw ginger and 1 ounce of apple cider
  10. Drinking one black coffee, without sugar or milk
  11. Starting my office work at 08:00
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Shugard 4h
Downloading a local podcast for listening during my morning walk
This is one of the best things to do on your commute! Listening to podcasts. I love it!
You call it intermittent fasting, but all I hear is ”I wait til my wife cooks. I’m basically a hungry bear grazing the fridge for leftovers.”
You say "potato", I say "potato" (shit! that expression doesn't work in text).
I wake up at 5.30am to do chores until 6am, and school starts at 7.45am. So, most of my mornings have been predetermined for me.
Having said that, I find my mornings easier to control because I typically read something or post something or respond to others on SN during my commute to work. And I usually feel revitalised because I manage to check this important task off my to-do list
25 sats \ 2 replies \ @Shugard 5h
I never touch SN before 3 p.m. I don't want to be distracted before school.
Interesting how different this is.
Yes it’s interesting!
How often do you have department or committee or schoolwide meetings after dismissal? I have those quite regularly around 3pm. Alternatively, I will be rushing some curriculum work for my Head of Department haha
Do you think of your cocktail recipe the moment you concoct it? Or you kinda brew it in your mind on and off during the work day?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Shugard 4h
Do you think of your cocktail recipe the moment you concoct it? Or you kinda brew it in your mind on and off during the work day?
I spend the weekend making sketches and notes for the week ahead, but it gets harder and harder the further down we go. And the rewards are less and less.
How often do you have department or committee or schoolwide meetings after dismissal? I have those quite regularly around 3pm.
We only have these meetings once every two weeks. So I got lucky there!
Are any of your morning habits based on health considerations: what you eat and drink for breakfast, for instance?
Actually nope. I normally grab some bread or buns from the bakery and eat on the go. Then, I will reach my usual coffee shop and order black coffee. No time to customise it to my taste buds haha
Such a city-slicker grabbing breakfast on your way to work.
Well school starts early. It’s meant to differentiate school-going children n teens from working adults. Otherwise, our public transport system cannot withstand the crowds.
I like it that way though. Because on privileged days, I can immediately leave school around 3pm haha
236 sats \ 3 replies \ @grayruby 5h
Water when I first wake up Then breakfast is always a banana and yogurt Then coffee after breakfast.
I am a simple man. I don't own any Brazil nuts or concoct some witches brew in my coffee.
Bananas are essentially just as exotic as Brazil nuts.
Why coffee after breakfast?
113 sats \ 0 replies \ @grayruby 5h
It's efficient to eat a banana and some yogurt while my keurig machine gurgles and spits out my morning coffee. This is a routine I picked up when I had my business and most days I was in a hurry to get out the door. I haven't changed it despite having the time to do something different.
Today is actually exactly 3 years since the sale of our property in the city closed and we were officially small town people.
Thanks for sharing! I’m a fan of prayer and positive affirmations when waking up and going to bed. In the am I love getting the blood flowing with some quick pushups, lots of water and a power breakfast (3 eggs, bacon or steak, cheese, peppers, garlic, mushrooms, avocado, and spinach)!
21 sats \ 7 replies \ @Shugard 5h
I learned that a good morning routine is the key to a successful day.
I get up at 5:15 every morning. Make my bed. 15 minute Chris Heria workout right after I get up. Then I go to the kitchen and make a smoothie with milk, yogurt, banana, raspberries, blueberries, honey and cinnamon. So time for breakfast: 3 eggs, champion, bell pepper, onion and some cheese. After that, I get to snuggle with my cat on the couch for 5-10 minutes before I clean up and go to work.
This routine has become a kind of meditation for me! It helps me start the day and be calm.
31 sats \ 5 replies \ @fiatbad 4h
The high polyphenol content in blueberries makes them an incredible longevity superfood.
But, a recent Dr. Rhonda Patrick video taught me that bananas are polyphenol killers! She claims that blueberries and bananas should be eaten hours apart, and never together.
It sucks cuz they taste great together.
26 sats \ 3 replies \ @Shugard 4h
I will look into it! Thanks for pointing this out! I would suffer terribly if I had to decide what to have in my smooty.
An odd smoothy combination that I discovered is blueberries and carrots. It might just be me, but I thought they tasted very good together.
39 sats \ 1 reply \ @Shugard 4h
Holy crap, are you pregnant?
What? If so, I'll be a very wealthy man.
That's really interesting.
This kind of stuff is exactly why I wanted to revive the territory.
I've never had much success sticking with that kind of routine in the morning, but I know lots of people swear by them. I find it easier for my morning routine to be based on not doing bad stuff than on doing good stuff.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @purpurato 5h
I like to put coconut oil, coconut milk, sea salt, turmeric, and cinnamon in my coffee.
Ha! I figured that's what people would pick out first.