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It's always the winter season when my weight loads up even after I work out as usual. This year it's gone a bit steep (nearly 5 kg gain) and I thought of controlling it before it gets out of hands.
I'm also not a fan of fasting. In fact I hate it. I've also got a big sweet tooth, I can't help it either.
So, to control the weight gain primarily, I looked for the apps and found DietPulse, I've downloaded it and been using for 2 days now. Overall it's a good and fun app. But as it's my first health and fitness related app, don't expect me 100% sure about its worth.
Why not you suggest me, suggest everyone;
What are the best health and fitness related apps?
Smiles if u want to earn sats while walking
Try Workit. It does the same sats for steps, but also has challenges that pay out much more.
Dminder. Too many people are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D isn't even a vitamin, it's an essential hormone.
Good call
Strava for social accountability
I'll check it. Dietpulse is giving a lot of notifications.
You gotta promote WorkIt. I am trying to twist their arm to do a boosted post.
Yes, I'll once they are available on Android.
Of course MyFitnessPal is extremely popular for exercise tracking and meal planning. Personally though I like Cronometer instead for the diet side and I use Jefit for workout tracking.
Thanks. I'll try them.