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~FiresidePhilosophy is definitely going for intellectual thoughts and conversations, particularly as it resonates with you in real life. If there is an idea or belief that you find interesting, whether or not you agree with it, share and discuss as you might with some friends around a fire. Ideally with some whiskey, haha. Break it apart, have lighthearted and respectful conversation about what works and what doesn’t, put it back together.
I’m sure there’s definitely a bit of overlap with ~alter_native, ~ideasfromtheedge, and possibly ~mostly_harmless.
I think (although I’m not certain), alter_native is going specifically for ideas and ways of living life that go against the grain, ~ideasfromtheedge is going for something similar but maybe just off the wall stuff for the heck of it… to be honest I’m not 100% sure haha.
I would say ~FiresidePhilosophy is like… “let’s share a meaningful idea whether it’s mainstream or not, whether you agree or not, and dissect it together for fun”.
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Bitcoin itself was probably perfect fodder for fireside philosophy for Satoshi