Mining is a great way to stack No KYC. However, your pool knows a lot about you and your funds. It's good practice to CoinJoin your pool payouts. But, pools themselves could allow their workers better privacy options. Which of the following features should pools implement to have the greatest effect on privacy?
Enable LN payouts19.2%
Implement Stratum V261.5%
BIP47 Payment Codes (PayNym)15.4%
Nothing, just CoinJoin3.8%
Other (comment below)0.0%
26 votes \ poll ended
LN payouts are pretty cool but I think they should also come with lower minimum payout or more flexible payout which reduces the trust needed.
What do pools know about their workers besides payout addresses?
Probably IP address as well
Don't ever connect without VPN. This is true in general for anything. That said, it only takes once, so yeah it's a fair point.
What advantages does Stratum V2 provide from a privacy perspective?
The miner can build the transaction block rather than the pool operator
I'd classify that more-so under censorship resistance for the txs.
I'm not sure it does much to increase the privacy of miners from the perspective of the mining pools. AFAICT, the address privacy appears to remain the same.
However, it does prevent eavesdropping on the communication between pools and miners:
Receiving on LN is less private than sending. Still better than onchain IMO.
Nothing wrong with receiving on chain if you throw it in a mixer before combining with any other coin.