I would buy one immediately if it only had Monero support integrated. If you are talking about sovereignty and privacy, it's really tough with Bitcoin, even if you connect to the network via Tor. Coin control or even post-coinjoin privacy are really complex and you can lose your complete privacy with a small mistake.
So do you plan to add Monero to the wallet? One might use Bitcoin for storing but Monero for spending.
We agree that privacy on Bitcoin can be very challenging for many people, and that's why we're focused on bringing education and solutions of our own to bear on the issue for Bitcoiners. We don't want to "just" enable secure custody, we also want to enable on-chain privacy for our users.
As for Monero support -- we're definitely looking at it internally, but we are a Bitcoin-centric company first and foremost.
I can confirm though that support for it won't be added on current products, just for clarity :)
I think focusing only on bitcoin is the right approach. It look more polished and professional. All this multi-alt-coins wallets look like a joke and confuse the newcomers.