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I been trying to learn to code for about 5 to 6 years now. After doing tutorial after tutorial I still feel like no where closer to developing anything than when I first started in 2019.
For all these years I never knew what I wanted to work on. I have a passion for Bitcoin but trying to jump in head first with protocol development is proving to be very difficult.
So after watching this video I am going to give plebdev’s method a shot. Come up with some lofty goal and then pursue it. It took plebdev almost 9 years to finally build his FB/Twitter application.
So instead let’s see if I can build my MVP which is

Building a native app for stacker news

I know a developer build the bsats app which was a SN native app for iOS written in JavaScript the developer but stopped maintaining it. So I forked it and will start learning to hopefully bring my MVP to life!
I think if SN had a cool native app more people may be interested in using the site. At the very least I will build something that I wish existed. I’m not a fan of PWAs if I can develop a nice native app for SN the I myself can build features into the app that will make me happy.
I know this might take me 9 years to complete but now when I am learning to code I have an actual project I am working towards that will benefit my as whole.
Let's go that's awesome to hear! Let me know if I can help you with any questions or bugs during the process!
Everyone is different but from my experience protocol development topics have become easier after learning app development first. It's a great way to get your journey started with a lot of cool potential projects out there to build on Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr.
I think a native stacker news app is a great idea! If you get stuck with understanding the existing fork you're starting with I would suggest building it from scratch yourself and starting with a basic API integration to just pull in all of the items and make it work read only at first. Not sure what languages you're familiar with but going the Javascript -> React -> React Native route is probably the easiest for making Native apps (in my opinion) but PWA's are awesome as well!
Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to reach out if I need help! I know where to find you.
That’s awesome. We are rooting for you!
Really amazing project.
Bravo! The Tao Te Ching says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Go and you'll get there!
The most important step you can’t take is the next one - Dalinar, Bondsmith