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I admit it, I’m overjoyed.
I just checked the cowboys ranking and found that I’m in 20th place. This means that I jumped 3 places overnight.
On 15 August last year, I lost my cowboy hat. After 232 days. I could have held on to it, but complacency blunted my urgency and hence, snatched it away from my tenuous grip.
5 months later, I’m back where I was at. I didn’t even expect to make it into the top 21 positions for a couple of years, so I’m humbled by how this rebuilding process took me less time than expected.
Times have changed since then. Cowboy credits are part and parcel of our time on SN. Honestly, I feel a glorious sense of liberation. I don’t mean to sound rude, but because I don’t value these credits at all, I find myself posting more liberally these days. In the past, I would have considered how much an article would be likely to garner me.
Nowadays, because even a 20 sat zap is enough to make me feel happy, I just post. Blog entries written from an era when I wasn’t around on SN yet. Who cares if no one zaps me? Those CCs need to be utilised anyway. It is very satisfying to give my previous work a second wind. Writing compounds because right now I have a body of work to choose from when I post on SN.
I hope that I will break my 232-day record!
Well done. But I guess we shouldn’t chase arbitary numbers.
Following Aristotelian ethics, the path to true happiness - eudaimonia - lies in the cultivation of virtue and living a fulfilling life. The pursuit of current day dopamine pleasure posting & rewards and the external (but ultimately meaningless) accolade of rankings or position are antithetical to this.
Fame and wealth in so many walks of life are temporary to my mind and true fulfilment comes from living lives of purpose, integrity, and ultimately self-realisation.
I try and think true value (as even ‘value’ has been codified on here) not ranking. A bit unfair to take you to task over this but I have seen a few posts scattered across SN in this vein and it’s grating.
I love thought-provoking comments like yours. Would you consider yourself an egoless person? As in keep your identity hidden and let your work speak for itself?
Hmm. Great question. And in a word - no!
So ego is defined as 'self'. What makes me? What are the characteristics that define my ego?
I guess i dont necessarily identify with any particular achievement or status to define who i am. I am genuinely quite private *****
I try and empathise with others beyond my own feelings... often feeling a fair amount of pain when i bury my own though. **
I can be pretty judgemental, especially of myself but also others. I seek first to understand where possible (but see below). *
I have plenty of failings and tend to match violence to violence when i feel threatened or insecure. And that is an unpleasant attribute. *
I am not particularly attached to who i am. I cling to small items and memories more than high status goods or accolades. Material possessions i can leave behind but this is perhaps more a product of my lived experience rather than a philosophical adoption (chicken and egg maybe) ***
I seek spiritual growth as a way of developing greater connectedness to others and perhaps believing in the spark of the divine ****
BUT I demonstrate my knowledge or opinions as a way to overcome my deep insecurities. And I have very little confidence in my ability or ‘work’. Minus *****
Do i aspire to transend my 'self' - yes. Have i achieved it - definitely not.
12/30 (this is supposed to be an ironic joke which may have fallen flat - scoring success points for assessing your ego lol)
@ek once wondered why I am the way I am. I know. But I am ashamed of the things that have happened to me in my life and like to keep part of myself hidden. No one likes a victim. Anyways….
Always good to chat with @cryotosensei though!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 2h
But I am ashamed of the things that have happened to me in my life and like to keep part of myself hidden.
a common friend once sent me this, now I am forwarding it to you
Appreciated. Salmon pink is a depressing colour at the best of times :)
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @sasasuina 21h
Congrats! It seems that most users don't like cowboy credits. How about SN adds a "CC recycler" feature to turn CC into Bitcoin—with a sweet little discount? 😂
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 21h
You are certainly a great example of dedication and discipline. I am honored to be able to read your words and learn a lot from them in the process.
You flatter me too much
That's incredible to consider.
Very much like alcoholics staying sober: one tiny slip-up and however big a number you're at, you go to zero.
And the only way back is to rebuild the number, one day at a time
@k00b, are you going to make cowboy hats sats only?
It would be ironic if you couldn't earn them with cowboy credits, but it might be a nice little nudge.
No gun?
Congrats amd good luck. The rankings have been moving a lot lately.
Yes, I see you're back and I've moved upto the 10th. I'm also overjoyed and grateful to the losers. This is the most important thing on SN, no, in all of Bitcoin world, so why not let's do some heist and be on top?