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I love thought-provoking comments like yours. Would you consider yourself an egoless person? As in keep your identity hidden and let your work speak for itself?
Hmm. Great question. And in a word - no!
So ego is defined as 'self'. What makes me? What are the characteristics that define my ego?
I guess i dont necessarily identify with any particular achievement or status to define who i am. I am genuinely quite private *****
I try and empathise with others beyond my own feelings... often feeling a fair amount of pain when i bury my own though. **
I can be pretty judgemental, especially of myself but also others. I seek first to understand where possible (but see below). *
I have plenty of failings and tend to match violence to violence when i feel threatened or insecure. And that is an unpleasant attribute. *
I am not particularly attached to who i am. I cling to small items and memories more than high status goods or accolades. Material possessions i can leave behind but this is perhaps more a product of my lived experience rather than a philosophical adoption (chicken and egg maybe) ***
I seek spiritual growth as a way of developing greater connectedness to others and perhaps believing in the spark of the divine ****
BUT I demonstrate my knowledge or opinions as a way to overcome my deep insecurities. And I have very little confidence in my ability or ‘work’. Minus *****
Do i aspire to transend my 'self' - yes. Have i achieved it - definitely not.
12/30 (this is supposed to be an ironic joke which may have fallen flat - scoring success points for assessing your ego lol)
@ek once wondered why I am the way I am. I know. But I am ashamed of the things that have happened to me in my life and like to keep part of myself hidden. No one likes a victim. Anyways….
Always good to chat with @cryotosensei though!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4h
But I am ashamed of the things that have happened to me in my life and like to keep part of myself hidden.
a common friend once sent me this, now I am forwarding it to you
Appreciated. Salmon pink is a depressing colour at the best of times :)