Does anybody know if there are any other ongoing or upcoming cases with Craig and any other Bitcoiners?
Over the years, I feel like i have heard about many other possible cases, although they may have just been twitter threats.
I thought I had heard something about bitcoin-dot-org for hosting the whitepaper.
I also heard about him suing Coinbase and Kracken for "misrepresenting" Bitcoin.
Also, something about Bitcoin devs being threatened (which lead to Jack Dorsey setting up a fund for legal defense.) I even heard of devs stopping working in Bitcoin due to fears of being sued. (Although, they may have just been saying that and becoming nyms.)
Anyway, since he is the biggest vilain to Bitcoin, (although not actually a serious threat) it would be cool for there to be a website that is dedicated to his demise.
Hodlnaut still has to go to court in UK as he mentioned, and I believe other bitcoin core developers got sued too.
Peter Todd might have mentioned I think.
Hopefully no weird shenanigans with the new UK PM and the trial. It should be a straightforward victory.
Peter Todd is still being sued: #84124
CSW vs COPA is in like 2024