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No, that would create territory spam and abandonment.
A high upfront cost is appropriate. But I do think there should be a secondary market for territories.
There's nothing stopping a secondary market for territories, if you just mean territory owners selling them to someone else.
While the cost may be high, you can find partners to go in on the territory with, like @realBitcoinDog and @IamSINGLE did, with ~HealthAndFitness. That reduces the downside risk for each party.
Yeah true but why does there have to be a risk at all?
Because territory rent is how SN makes revenue and no cost territories would likely be very spammy, as others have noted.
How would they be spammy ? If SN gets rev from posts from all territories instead would that make up the difference
SN doesn't get revenue from posts. It only gets revenue from territory fees. That's the business model.
Spam would not last as it’s still pay to post so making simplestacker territory for example wouldn’t do anything except be ignored anyway if it’s not a valuable territory?
Nah simplestacker territory would be super valuable. The only reason I haven't created it is to give other territories a fighting chance ;)
They could have a vote in process for suggested territory and if it gets enough in favour it launches or doesn’t? They could also stream line posting fees across all territories