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Yeah like the previous owner of ask sn it’s a good territory but mustn’t have worked for them not sure is there a better way
I have a higher price to post, and a few ideas to drive traffic here. I'm also doing my best to figure out which questions drive engagement. It's going to be trial and error, and I'm willing to operate at a loss if I'm trending in the right direction by the end of the month.
I think we don’t need to have a worry about a loss or treating territories as a business and if it’s a positive sub page for the platform it should exist not for individual gain but for the good of SN
I look at it more as an incentive to create good content, and a chance to invest in this platform.
Yeah for sure but could it be done differently is all I’m asking or thinking. Not saying that I know anything about anything but just asking questions
I think asking questions is always reasonable. If nobody questions the norm, then people won't look for problems.
It’s interesting that most of the responses are from territory founders . What does the users think?