What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of funding a project with bitcoin compared to funding a project with fiat?
Hey @k00b!
Bitcoin breaks down the barriers that fiat has put up. Fiat crowdfunding platforms exclude more than 80% of the world population because they use the legacy financial system. With Bitcoin anyone can get funded or fund across the globe in a matter of seconds without an intermediary that can stop the transaction.
On top of that, Lightning makes it more accessible, fun and interoperable with other services like Podcasting 2.0 apps! Bitcoin and Lightning FTW! 🤘
  • Permissionlessness: we just build mofos! We don't need permissions from you banks, we just do it. It's a lot less costly and a lot more easy to build.
  • Interoperability: we connect with the entire network without asking for permissions. Thanks to other lightning protocols like LNURL and LN Addresses. This makes user experiences a lot more novel and interesting. Imagine connecting Podcasts with Kickstarter with fiat rail, or connecting newspapers to a kickstarter campaign (ps: impossible!). We can do all that. Using Lightning addresses users can fund Geyser campaigns with SMS from Machankura, from podcasts like Fountain or Breez, from payment widgets created by others, from twitter using static QR codes, from Satsback.com...
  • Network Effects: the great benefit of building on an open monetary network is that our growth is SN's growth, and vice versa. We all bring users to each other due to the fact that we each share users through the money network.
  • Global: the most important bit. anyone around the world can create a project on Geyser. Good luck trying to do that on Kickstarter, where only 30 countries can do so.
  • We early: the payment tools on lighting are still at their infancy, so we are finding that we need to build the protocols to make things work for us.
  • The regs: regulations are behind and make it challenging to get started if you're a small scale lightning startup that wants to be custodial.