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I like the addition of yet. I will try that and act surprised when they say no. Then I can say something along the lines of "that's odd, I thought most small businesses would be accepting Bitcoin by now as the transaction fees are much cheaper than visa or mastercard and they are getting paid in an asset that goes up in value. Oh well, maybe you should look into it".
Acting surprised when someone doesn't know something or didn't do something is an underrated tactic for behavior manipulation
Yes. I don't like manipulating people but if it is for a good cause I can make an exception.
You should take a really long time fumbling around in your wallet trying to find an acceptable form of payment, while muttering about how quickly this transaction could have gone if they just got with the times.
That is a good one. It puts them on the edge of thinking they could make more money because they would not have to deal with customers fumbling around, looking for payment methods.
Well I think this particular tactic is subtle enough that I'd consider it licit.
Yes, the ends and the means conundrum? Gotta watch out for that!!
I almost lied and said "other stores around here are taking it", but I wasn't prepared for the inevitable " who? "
Yeah that's the only problem. If they ask "have you noticed a lot of other stores taking it" I will be forced to lie or just admit that no one else takes it either. Haha.
Yes, playing the greed card works better, this way, too.