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"What if there was an alternative to the 'all-medication' approach? In Russia, Germany, and the United States, doctors and researchers are studying the surprising effects of fasting on patients. An investigation that is as rigorous as it is disturbing. In Western countries, cases of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cancers are multiplying, and medication consumption is exploding. What if there was another therapeutic approach? For half a century, in Russia, Germany, and the United States, doctors and biologists have been exploring another avenue: fasting. Known for its hot spring, the Goriachinsk sanatorium in the Siberian plain is also famous for its fasting center, created in 1995. Suffering from asthma, diabetes, rheumatism, allergies..., patients, under close supervision, ingest nothing but water for an average of twelve days, but the cure sometimes lasts up to three weeks. After the painful acidosis crisis at the beginning, they feel more energetic, and two-thirds see their symptoms disappear after one or more cures. This reimbursed treatment is based on forty years of scientific studies, unfortunately not translated, which began during the Soviet era. Although unknown outside Russia, Western doctors and researchers are also exploring this path, even if, in countries where medication is king, they receive little funding. Atavistic reflex The documentary also takes us to Germany, to the Buchinger clinic on the shores of Lake Constance, where chronic diseases are treated through fasting, and to the United States, where Valter D. Longo, professor of biogerontology at the University of California, studies the effects of fasting on mice with cancer - he has highlighted the fact that, in mice, fasting increases the effects of chemotherapy tenfold. Using very clear infographics, the film explains the complex changes that occur in a body on a diet. Roughly speaking, it relearns to live off its reserves, an atavistic reflex that purges and strengthens it. As effective as it is disturbing, Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade's demonstration (Males in Peril) encourages us to re-evaluate our approach to illness and care. Like the patients at Goriachinsk who are more confident after overcoming the fasting challenge, we discover that our body is more resilient than we thought, which is rather comforting news."
Was it Breedlove talking about fasting a while ago on a pod? Whoever it was the referenced an old book and I started reading it and the stuff people have done with fasting is unreal. I think it’s great. Often do 18:6 or 16:8 most days sometimes a 24 hour and have done a 3 day .
cheers for the share :)
never heard about this book
The video is a mix of diferent researches done by diferents countries (ex-URSS is may be it s the only country in the world that did so much studies regarding the video)