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Oh…. It is well worth it. Especially if you can learn how to tell the good, tasty ones from the deadly ones. Sometimes there is not much difference.
My neighbors think I am somewhat crazy because after a good rain I would sometimes walk around the neighborhood with my bucket full of tools and ask If I could get rid of their mushrooms for them. They thought that was a little bit off, but I got some really delicious ones that way, too. Just not the super good ones from the forest.
Awesome! I'll take your advice and go on a mushroom picking tour when mushroom season returns.
I'll also be sure to tag you when I post about the mushrooms my wife saw on this hike. There were lots, different types, colors, and varieties; really cool.
Ok, Possibly I can’t guarantee the type over the internet. Sometimes you have to make a cut or a break the stem or the umbrella-like part to make a really positive identification.
AS A WARNING: DO NOT EAT ANY UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE WHAT THEY ARE!!! Some highly poisonous ones look a lot like good ones, on the surface, or at a first glance. Don’t be tempted, though.
There are careful live mushroomers, but there are no careless live mushroomers.
Thank you for the advice.
You’re welcome!