This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The debt spiral is out of control and the only way to mitigate it is to default and reset or inflate it to manageable levels. There is simply no other alternative. The math checks out.
Yes. It will soon be too late to buy bitcoin because it will go up so damn fast. And its going to be scary. So strap yourselves in.
Just kidding.
Print money to fix money printing. Checks out.
That's still not the big one... When we get to trillion level internationally, that's where the run starts.
1 Trillion level for which metric?
I just read this morning that interest payments on US debt are now approaching 1 Trillion, the same as military budget. US is just one country (sure biggest economy) but what specifically about 1 Trillion?
I'm looking at some form of policy adjustment resulting in 2-3 trillion "base" money print (quantitative easing, curve control, "relief package", ... something of that nature).
And frankly this "threshold" is based on what I gathered from various podcasts (Preston Pysh, Lyn Alden, etc), I'm not that smart.
Sorry if came across rude! I'm definitely no expert on this stuff either!
I see what you’re saying now and that does make sense. I think I’ll go look for some Preston podcasts and give them a relisten