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A lot of you have clearly fallen for Roger Ver's political persecution ploy and don't actually understand the charges against him, so I'll break it down.
  1. The IRS says he didn't pay the correct exit tax in 2014 because his filing reported that he personally owned 0 BTC when he had more like 58,000 BTC.
  2. The IRS isn't overstepping their reach going after a non-citizen because the bulk of their complaint is related to US companies Ver owns. Those companies still have to pay US taxes regardless of his status.
No, the IRS isn't suddenly seeking to throw Ver in prison when they could "just send him a bill." That's not how they operate - they've been going back and forth with him for years on this matter. It got to this point because he has chosen not to pay. I bet that even to this day he could negotiate a settlement; the IRS prefers to profit rather than put people in prison.
Astute observers may recall that Michael Saylor had similar tax issues last year and settled for $40M so that he could move on with his life. A logical decision.
So why is Ver refusing to pay? Perhaps it's ideological, in which case he's his own worst enemy. But perhaps he's unable to pay.
Remember that in 2022 CoinFlex went bankrupt and claimed Ver owed them $47M for a margin call. He disputed this claim and didn't pay. Perhaps this is a clue.
Why would someone who by all accounts ought to be a billionaire refuse to pay such a relatively small amount in order to stay out of prison? Perhaps it's because he is unable to do so.
And yes, taxation is still extortion, but that tends to be a pretty weak argument when you're dealing with the tax man.
It appears Ver's claim of owning 0 personal BTC resulted from him claiming he gifted it to his partner in 2011, which the IRS disputes actually happened.
This isn't a take I've heard. Yet again, I haven't been following this very closely. Is Roger trying to make a point, is the IRS trying to make a point, or is Roger not as wealthy as he's assumed to be?
Roger Ver probably lost a lot of money on BCH.
It'd be quite something if being on the wrong side of the block size war ultimately results in him going to jail.
It's really hard to know what's true. I've heard from Steve Patterson that Ver has tried to pay and the IRS is insisting on proceeding with the legal punishment.
It wouldn't be the first time the regime made an example of someone.
Hmmm....an interesting thing I havent seen mentioned: In the court filing, the gov appears to quoting from a private email between Ver and his lawyer?
How would they get that info? Its privileged.
Did his law firm flip on him?
I recall they seized them from the lawyer. So it might be lawful if the lawyer is accused of knowingly helping him break the law?
how would they know unless they surveilled the lawyer's phone calls and emails, etc?
How would they justify that to a judge?
Probably parallel construction....haha
There's lots of drama to this case, who knows if we'll ever know what really happen
Perhaps you're right.
A cursory google search seems to indicate that although attorney-client privilege is very well established, the caveat is it does not cover the planning of crimes.
So, basically you could admit past guilt but cannot disclose future intention.....
if he law firm flipped on him, that is grounds for malpractice and disbarment... if the rule of law matters at IRS and DOJ, a big IF until Trump and Bondi clean house
I saw this on X. I think Lopp is right: Ver is broke
and the IRS is trying to make a point
Is all of the above possible?
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 28 Jan
Most likely someone wants to settle. Would Ver beg for a pardon if he wanted to make a point?
Good point
I'm still pretty new to the bitcoin lore. I just learned about him the first time during his recent interview with tucker Carlson. All I was thinking is that he was saying a lot of shit that i know to be false.
After looking in to him a bit more, he seems a bit scummy...
I used to like the guy. He likes to create scripts and repeat them over and over again. After I realized that all he say is scripted, I understood that most of what he says is just for his own benefit.
I didnt realize Saylor had the same issues. Roger Ver will spin his own story, and many have fallen in his web and believe him. Also, l find it a bit weird he doesnt just pay if he actually has that many bitcoin. Does he want this publicity?