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Great News! What about the resolution for BBL Market? My last bet on Hobart Hurricanes isn't showing up there?
Yes, I was about to post this:
The market is closed, Not sure if this market got impacted. If you guys want, I can open-up the market for short while and you guys can complete your bets. Then we can resolve it. BTW which team is the winner?
I'm fine with just letting it wrap up.
I would have closed out some positions, if it were available in real time, but I understand that the site can go down for maintenance and I may not get the chance.
Ok great. Multi-option markets are still resolved via command-line. @emre will resolve it to Hurricanes - YES, whenever he starts his day.
Hurricanes won. I am good. I only had hurricanes shares left so as long as it gets paid out it is good with me.
Hobart Hurricanes won. I've no other issue except that I couldn't sell my yes shares on Sydney Thunder and my last bet on Hobart Hurricanes isn't showing there?
Here's the invoice for that bet
Was your last bet for 110 sats? This is what your invoice says:
Do you remember how much share you couldn't sell on "Sydney Thunder"? I can ask @emre to lookup, but he's asleep now. He was up till 6AM his morning. I will issue refund directly to you. Please provide your LNAddress for easy refund.
Yes, it was for 110 Sats.
I wanted to sell all my shares on Sydney Thunder. I remember I had 13000 shares.
13000 Ok great! Because of our fault you lost a trading opportunity, We'll refund 13k sats for that trade. + 110 sats = Total Refund: 13110 sats
Can you please share your ln-address or generate a invoice for 13110 sats in reply.
Thanks. It's so generous of you.
The BBL Market will still be resolved, right? I've a few other bets too.
It must have been impacted during the attack, how much did you bet? I can send you the sats, and you can place your bets again?
It wasn't the substantial amount, only 110 sats. Will you open the market as it is showing right now?