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Of all the shit holes, on all of the internet reddit is possibly the largest, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto a well written article on r/Bitcoin of all places.
The writer is very detailed in their analysis of supply side constraints, new capital multipliers, market dampening factors, and global geopolitical landscape. I even ran it through an AI check because it's reddit, and I assume everything done well at all is chatgpt, but it came up as human (at least on the one I used)
I actually highly recommend a read through, and I'd love to hear some feedback from some of our economists.
I would have just copied the text, but the formatting is bad, and the user incorporates visual aids.
looks like a lot of effort went into the post, that guy should be posting on SN instead of reddit!
i for sure agree with TLDR; Hodl.
Yea i was shocked. Reddit is mostly the left side of the bell curve.
That was a nice read, however, it is a little behind the times. Officially, BTC is out as the official currency of El Salvador’s. I don’t doubt that the people will continue to use it if it is as good as the article says for the people and merchants there. The author did not take into account how the Establishment would fight back to limit the use of BTC. After all, they are not just sitting around waiting to be put out of business, now, are they? They use all sorts of heinous actions to change the minds and hearts of the people and leaders. For example, what they did with Gadafi and Saddam Huissein and threatened others with. Be that as it may, I still think the grassroots movement will overcome the overlords’ methods. They can try to kill us all, but I don’t think they can do it.