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This notion is met with shocked eyebrow-raised faces among trained economists—but yawns among the Bitcoiner plebs. Make what you will of that (elites vs regular people, trained experts vs ignorant masses).
Josh, as always worth reading, lays it out. Tl;dr = "My general view is that it is hard to make the case that inflation is good. The traditional arguments made on behalf of a persistent, positive rate of inflation do not help up well to close scrutiny."
And then he plunges us straight into the deflation-vs-depression convo in economics literature: "the fear of deflation is predicated on a misreading of monetary history and poor economic reasoning." Say it, baby, say it!

Why Do People Say Inflation is Good?

  1. Deflation is really really bad, so we need some positive CPI to create a buffer zone (2-3-4% is ideal).
  2. Revenue generation, and policymakers should use it to optimize macro goals; more inflation when that's good and less when it's bad.
Josh delves into the depression-deflation connection and quickly ends up in the Great Depression (even though that's an outlier instance without which the connection empirically goes away) 1. The usual story of price rigidity and nominally fixed loans:
Since deflation represents a general decline in prices, on average, throughout the economy, even those in other industries are more likely to default on their loans. Thus, although the bank thought it was diversified, the deflation causes a wave of defaults and also puts the bank at risk of failure. To the extent that banks are themselves interconnected through interbank loans, this risk of failure could spread across banks.
...BUT, "there are a lot of implicit assumptions hiding in this argument."
  1. deflation is unexpected: this chain of arguments don't work if it's expected: "Had the farmer anticipated deflation, the terms of the loan would have been different."
  2. Deflation is demand-driven. If it's supply-driven—i.e., productivity improving—the borrower's revenue (P*Q) is likely to increase (cue tech sector, say computers, for 50 years, which can deliver nominally cheaper goods while still making profits over time).
Overview of some research into those questions:
So supply-driven deflation good (at least not a problem), demand possibly bad... "Historically, demand-driven deflation seems to mostly result from bad policy."
So no, not a natural outcome of a broken, runaway capitalism.
most people took the wrong lesson from this scenario [post-WWI deflation]. Many argued that the gold standard itself caused the Great Depression. However, there was no inherent flaw in the gold standard that caused the severe deflation. In reality, it was central bank mismanagement of the gold standard (policy errors). there isn’t much to fear about deflation, unless that deflation is driven by policy errors. This makes it somewhat odd to say that we need inflation to give us some cushion to avoid deflation
Excellent summary here, so I'll just ss it:
...and the implication isn't "free money for the issuer" (#869415); it's that optimizing economic agents take action to protect themselves from extortion:
Like any other tax, this creates a distortion. When people expect inflation to eat away at the purchasing power of their currency, they will tend to economize on their currency holding to try to avoid the tax. This reduction in money balances will ultimately reduce exchange and economic activity in comparison to a world without inflation.
Such inflationary taxes are a) largely hidden until after the case, b) unreliable since once that trust breaks down, money issuers have to costly rebuild credibility before people want to hold their money again (#854062).
The amount of tax revenue generated from an inflation tax is proportional to real money balances. The general public determines the quantity of real money balances to hold. Higher rates of inflation, without a commitment to price stability, will lead to people substituting away from holding money, which will further increase inflation. Over time, this decline in the demand for money will reduce the revenue that one can get from an inflationary tax.

Still with us??

Next Josh considers the price-informational virtue of a unit of account—very what's the purpose of money? (#793537) type considerations:

The unit of account is a common reference point. This is one reason why inflation is so costly. Inflation erodes the informational value of that reference point.

The problem/cost with inflation is that it makes all economic activities harder to pursue/calculate/consider/execute. Monetary misperception; money illusion. (I've argued this extensively here and here).
Although inflation means that prices are rising, on average, all of these other things that are happening are going to affect relative prices. But money prices are also changing. It becomes much more difficult to determine whether the price change you are observing is a relative price change or simply reflects inflation.
Higher rates of inflation push us closer to that world without a unit of account in the sense that it erodes the informational content of the unit itself. When prices, on average, are relatively constant the dollar price conveys changes in relative scarcity or abundance. During periods of inflation, the dollar price becomes insufficient. One must constantly find new reference points in terms of frequently purchased items.
Hence the recent emphasis on home insurance premiums, used cars, or eggs (#868956).

So yeah, there you have it. Inflation is bad, and not directly because you "get poorer" or sticker prices in the store are higher 2.


  1. "Deflation and Depression: Is There an Empirical Link?" American Economic Review, vol. 94, no. 2, May 2004 (pp. 99–103): https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/0002828041301588
  2. "Who Bears the Burden of Dollars’ Falling Purchasing Power?" The Daily Economy, Aug 4, 2020: https://thedailyeconomy.org/article/who-bears-the-burden-of-dollars-falling-purchasing-power/
Hashtag... I was just gonna make a short summary of Josh's weekly newsletter and ended up re-producing basically the entire thing!
Crazytown. WELL WORTH reading Josh's stuff
92 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 30 Jan
After reading your post I think I need to have a better understanding of deflation :) It is so rarely discussed these days and as you say its assumed to just be worse than inflation. I don't like assumptions that the majority take for granted and I don't really understand. Bugs me. So many times the dominate thought on something is way off, at least in the causes or reasoning.
I can tell you for sure that deflation is bad. That's why I haven't bought a new piece of electronics since 1996. My purchasing power just keeps getting better, I think I'll wait two more decades. 🙄
Faxing much, too?
🤣 I'm on the printing press
not a bad technology! It's been with us for centuries, after all. #Lindy
You remind me of why price inflation is so fraught with problems. Its extremely complex to determine the causes and prone to manipulation by cherry-picking data. The price of eggs at any given time can fluctuate completely unrelated to the price of computer chips. Both may or may not be related to money supply inflation.
Money supply inflation is MUCH easier to understand and when you look at the average incomes and average prices of items in the whole economy it becomes more clear as to what is actually going on with inflation at the root level.
I've heard very good arguments that gold bugs and bitcoiners are wrong about inflation. Not that prices aren't going up or that the money supply isn't increasing, but that the products we buy and the quality of life has drastically improved.
It goes like this. Sure a car today is MUCH more expensive than a car in the 50s. But, they aren't the same qualitatively. Cars in the 50s had no air bags. Used more fuel. Were less reliable. Had no AC. I could go on. Its not apples to apples.
I think sometimes we can oversell inflation forgetting this factor. Its a great time to be alive. Not arguing for fiat or money printing but I think we do need to be honest that the free market can be very deflationary in that we get more for our money.
If we want to see inflationary forces in a more clear light it might make more sense to compare goods that haven't really changed as much.
Butter, ammo, milk, meat, eggs, oil, and gold. Even with those there are efficiencies that are deflationary but the quality change is less drastic.
A related issue that's under-discussed is whether regulators are disappearing the bottom of the market with minimum quality standards. Thus, the minimum available product on the market feels more and more expensive.
This is clearly happening with housing, as zoning and building codes are a form of "minimum standard" in terms of floor space, parking, etc, that make it hard for developers to build tiny apartments that serve the lower end of the market.
disappearing the bottom of the market with minimum quality standards. Thus, the minimum available product on the market feels more and more expensive.
Yes, this is something that is rarely discussed. A while back in came up when people started talking about this truck Toyota makes that they can't sell in the US due to regulations. Is very affordable and MANY in the US would buy it. Its very minimal in features though.
Housing as you point out is another big one. Minimum wage is yet another. Its all price fixing or putting a finger on the scales.
Yes. Totally a thing, totally underappreciated
very good arguments
This is a very weak argument actually. You're effectively saying:
sure, you could have been many multiples richer, but you're a little richer! That's good!
No one sells inflation enough. It frequently leads to cost cutting and lower quality products. It bids up assets. It devalues the working class's wages. It gives employers undue leverage in salary negotiations. It creates an incentive for corporations to put poison in our food to cut cost.
All so that we can checks notes make it easier for banks to make money through loan issuance.
I think you are missing the point. The point isn't that inflation is good. I agree with you on cost cutting (shrinkflation).
If we want to see inflationary forces in a more clear light it might make more sense to compare goods that haven't really changed as much.
Butter, ammo, milk, meat, eggs, oil, and gold. Even with those there are efficiencies that are deflationary but the quality change is less drastic.
I'm not arguing for inflation or fiat here. Just that its complex and over-simplification weakens the argument.
To make your point more strong I would say that in many ways houses built in the 50s used higher quality materials than are used today. Cost cutting due to inflation is a factor. But on the another hand houses built today have features people in the 50s could only dream of.
There's already hedonic adjustments. Those types of factors have been accounted for. It's not in the same ball park as the rampant inflation.
It is not possible to overplay this hand.
Ok, you are not arguing with me. You are arguing something I am not saying.
Cost cutting due to inflation is a factor. But on the another hand houses built today have features people in the 50s could only dream of.
Bureau of Labor and Statistics:
The CPI uses hedonic quality adjustments in item categories that tend to experience a high degree of quality change either due to seasonal changes, as in apparel items, or because of innovative improvements and technological changes, as in consumer appliances and electronics.
It is apt to point out that the hedonic adjustments you call for are already part of inflation data. And it is still abysmal. It is not as nuanced as you think.
Excellent post! Sadly there are still a lot of normies out there who think 2% Inflation is something good, that we need as a society!
Excellent post, inflation is part of the fallacy of fiduciary money and the system which never wants us to realize it.
A 2% inflation target is obviously moronic. The number is taken out of someone's ass and the whole concept is retarded.
The only discussion worth having is "should money supply be elastic?" Jeff Snider (Eurodollar University on YouTube) has some arguments for that. My understanding is that it eases the strife caused by cyclicality if the economy.
But he also had a discussion on this with Lyn Alden who was defending the Bitcoin view that it's fine for money supply to be inelastic. Cyclicality is caused by the fiat garbage system in the first place.
But even if you were to defend elastic money supply, it's disingenuous to say that it can only be allowed to expand but never shrink.
The number is taken out of someone's ass and the whole concept is retarded. not out of someone's ass but OK, I take your point
Real economics is only the austrian school of economics, the rest is all fiat bullshit.