pull down to refresh

Honestly, I find it highly suspect that you only print the first 7 characters of the hash. I wrote a script that finds collisions within 8 seconds on a normal desktop. Given a minute between spins, this gives you plenty of opportunity to pick a number that favors the house. To immediately address this, and if you are concerned about the full hash taking up too much "real estate", use a tooltip so that when we hover, we see the full hash. Then, and only then, will this be "provably fair". Because right now, this is "provably fair theatre".
Thank you for pointing that out!
You’re absolutely right—we should be displaying the full hash to ensure true provable fairness. Showing only the first 7 characters was an oversight on our part. We will implement a tooltip feature that allows users to view the entire hash when hovering over it.
We appreciate your feedback