The coinbase output includes all the fees paid by the transactions included in the block. If the sum of reward and fees is still below the dust limit, there is no monetary incentive to mine...
Why would the dust limit increase with fees in the future? I'd expect the dust limit to decrease as the BTC price increases.
AFAIK since a dust limit is when the transaction fee is greater than the amount of Bitcoin in the transaction, as fees increase a higher transaction amount is required to be greater than the fee—increasing the dust limit.
не столь сильно он будет большой... хватит и 0.1 в блок... этого достаточно после поглащения 10% капитализации $₽€¥¢£ всех валют....
This could be the ultimate incentive to adopt stratum V2. Mining an empty block becomes a liability if the subsidy is lower than the dust limit.