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Could be one of the best things he could do for the future. It's a good step at least.
For the special stackers... I'm not holding my breath on this though.
this territory is moderated
All I can say is that they aren't messing around this time. The bureaucrats are panicking and many are being terminated.
I'm going to be fascinated to hear how many accept the deferred resignation offer. We should know by the end of the week.
How do you think the reaction has been in normie space?
I have a number of friends who lean conservative and basically supported Trump, but think it's crazy to dismantle the Department of Education. One comment I got was, "Isn't education kinda important??"
I think it's honestly just normalcy bias, because when I explain the problems with the Department and the rationale, they tend to calm down a bit.
I think it's honestly just normalcy bias, because when I explain the problems with the Department and the rationale, they tend to calm down a bit.
Yep, that is a huge factor and honestly that is what influences most people on most topics. Most people are just NPCs. The VAST majority. They can be good people. Kind and good friends but they just are not interested enough to dig and question the majority or authority figures.
Most of the normies I know have TDS, so they're indiscriminately and equally horrified by everything he does.
Everyone else I know hates the Department of Ed.
feeble rhetorical questions by conservative NPCs
normalcy player characters
I read 20,000 have accepted severance
Look at those loyal believers in education... look at how they fight for the children. LOL.
Wow! That's a good start and they still have a couple of days to opt in. I'm sure some are still making their decision, especially with the legally uncertainty around it still being resolved.
Indeed this is different from anything I've ever seen before. I can't help but wonder though. Even if Trump does all this stuff another president can come in and undo it all. I'm just enjoying the reality show and the reactions.
One thing that I do think is good out of this is that the overton window is being shifted. Ron Paul had a big impact on my thinking and opened my eyes to many of the issues with the state. Even just having someone get attention and say things that are never said has value.
Only a fool believes we will just wake up one day and be rid of the state. It will take many shifts in thinking. Pushing back on the programming. Many people are playing a role in it. Most aren't perfect. Hopefully the results from some of this stuff he's doing will have a long term positive effect on the minds of people.
For now this seems like a pendulum swing to me though.
I think they are going to seek to do lasting damage, although you're right that permanent damage may be infeasible.
One of the main reasons people take government jobs is the perception of job security. This may rattle people enough that it breaks that perception and risk averse people get in the habit of looking elsewhere for work.
One of the main reasons people take government jobs is the perception of job security.
Is that ever true. I worked in education for a while and I could not take the culture of lack luster effort. It was far from universal but more common than in the private sector.
My sense is that people realize they don't have to perform after they're in the job and start coasting then.
To some extent, that's just a natural outcome of the job security point. If you're not likely to be fired for low effort, you're more likely to give low effort.
100% and this happens anywhere but outside of government and union shops there are usually incentives to correct it. I have seen that the larger the entity the more likely this is to happen. Its not just that the state runs something that makes it broken. Its the incentives and you can recreate those incentives outside of government. You get the same result.
When I realized this it really opened my eyes to the deep problems with the state. Its not just that government is bad. Governance is not bad. Monopoly is bad. Also some things, many things just do not scale.
74 sats \ 2 replies \ @398ja 4 Feb
The Department of Education was created in 1979 under former President Jimmy Carter, after urging by the country's largest teachers union, the National Education Association. Key activities include providing grants for low-income students, administering the federal student-loan program, and regulating how schools serve students with disabilities.
Paved with very good intentions, as usual...
The intentions were not even good
Yeah, I don't like to guess intentions but I suspect the intentions of some might be well meaning but ultimately I think there's a desire to manipulate and counter the influence of families, parents, and religion and replace that with these citizen factories we call public schools.
I like this definition I heard a while back:
"The purpose of a system is to do what it does". Everything else is just propaganda.
This is the most hopeful I've been in a while. Anything they can do to remove parts of the government is an absolute win in my book.
Trump will do bad stuff. He already has. I don't have any hope in him or politicians but just like I'm happy to see the sun shining I'm happy when I see changes I would make if I had the power.
Politicians by nature do terrible immoral things and I'm not a fan in general, but because I have to live within the system, I'm going to cheer for anyone taking a wreaking ball to usless bureaucracy.
This is one way to clean house. How will the great education system manage? Lol
Probably will manage better. I know you're joking but many do not know this. It was only created in 1980...
Many do not know this but the federal dept of Ed is completely unnecessary. When people talk about teachers not being paid enough they need to look at cutting administrators. Each state has its own dept of ed, each school district has admins. Each school has admins. Its admins all the way down. The fed dept of ed is mostly setting the agenda for the states and using fed money to manipulate the state depts. If you have issues with what kids are being propagandized with you need to start at the top and start chopping out the admins that set the agendas.
Most of the complaints parents have with schools should be resolved locally. I mean I would shut it all down including the whole government but that's my opinion.
I started my software career working in education and specifically with one of the state departments of ed. The waste was unbelievable to me at the time. The incompetence as well. The worst kinds of people get promoted. I still called myself a "conservative" at the time. That experience taught me a lot about bureaucracies and incentive structures.
I just know that the education system and qualifications to be a teacher have become overly complicated. The education needed, and the hoops they ahve to go through are kind of bizzare.
Yeah... its a moat. Its a scam. Its government.
75 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 4 Feb
Yes, it is government. Has doge said anything about how they will revise the system?
Beats me. I don't really care much about words though. Actions. We will see.