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I always tell people Running your own node really immerses you in the bitcoin experience, if you really want to know whats going down under the hood you have to run a node and when they see the things it can do, it does start to click for some, as nodes become more powerful and new protocols emerge it's only going to become more obvious
Agree 100%. As a non-coder if you can manage to setup a node and interact with the network it’s a great learning experience. You will understand more about Bitcoin than at least 95% of the people in the Bitcoin space. It’ll make it easier to defend Bitcoin against shitcoiners too. You will have “proof of work” knowledge to empower you.
Well put, that's precisely my experience as well.
I like the post very much :D
Thank you!
Though I appreciate the spirit of this article. it's technically recommending options that are not Full nodes. But operating systems that can run unverified full nodes.
These are more dangerous to use than people think, and it's ultimately better and safer to run a verified (ie check the signatures/hashes of the downloaded software: https://youtu.be/U0I-ImS_r8o) bitcoin core node, a btcd node, a bitcoin knotts node, than these operating systems moonlighting as nodes.
Umbrel, RaspiBlitz, myNode, RoninDojo,
they are not Bitcoin nodes.
they are operating systems
Thanks for sharing your thoughts @BITC0IN 👍
While I agree that the security model is tighter running, let's say, Bitcoin Core, I'd argue that we should be careful to not make perfect the enemy of the good and gatekeep less technically experienced people. There will always exist trade-offs in complexity vs. security, in the same way that it does for various forms of custody. It wouldn't make sense to suggest multi-sig hardware wallets to new Bitcoiners even though it is, no doubt, technically more secure.
Running and maintaining a bare-metal node with Bitcoin Core is harder and out of reach for a lot of people. I do think it's a net positive for the Bitcoin network and the individuals involved to experiment and get involved with something more accessible, such as Umbrel, RaspiBlitz, myNode, RoninDojo. These projects are also open-source and the code can be inspected—and is so by many people.
But I'm curious to learn more about the risks you see associated with the aforementioned projects. Have you written something more in-depth where you expound on the risks? Please, share if so, I would love to understand it better.
Its not harder. its much easier.
installing and running Bitcoin core on your regular desktop is miles easier than installing an operating system on new hardware, who's primary purpose is for lightning use.
I want to also ask if you've installed/run bitcoin core before?
I really should do a write up on this topic now though, it's long over due. I have a lot of spinning plates though. to be continued.
Yes, I've experimented a fair bit with Core. I wouldn't agree it's easier. For example, Umbrel requires flashing a file on an SD card and plugging it in. And when it's set up, you have access to an easy-to-use UI (yes, I know Core has a UI available, but it's not as easy to use). RoninDojo and The Bitcoin Machine are available fully set up straight out of the box if that's desired. Sure, that's not ideal from a security standpoint, but still fine for exploration, in my opinion.
Core requires a level of familiarity with the command line—which I personally have as a programmer—but I know a lot of people don't. Installing dependencies, building from source, etc, is not something everyone knows how to do.
It's easy for us to lose perspective of what's "easy" or not. On these topics we become like Ron Swanson when he was disappointed no one knew how to fill in that hole in the street.
"All you do is dig the loose gravel out of the hole. Then you just use a jackhammer to remove the larger pieces, then spray down the hole to settle the dust and fill it with cold patch asphalt!"
I mean, d'uh. What could be simpler.
Yes, I've experimented a fair bit with Core. I wouldn't agree it's easier. For example, Umbrel requires flashing a file on an SD card and plugging it in. And when it's set up, you have access to an easy-to-use UI (yes, I know Core has a UI available, but it's not as good).
and what is the primary purpose of that UI? to be a Bitcoin node or a lightning node?
This is another challenge. Equivocating lightning nodes and Bitcoin nodes. They're two different and separate things.
Though it appears that the supporters of these operating systems like to switch or mix the two together when it serves them.
RoninDojo and The Bitcoin Machine are available fully set up straight out of the box if that's desired. Sure, that's not ideal from a security standpoint, but still fine for exploration, in my opinion.
I mean if you have money to burn on redundant hardware, sure. You can certainly use their unverified software. Why anyone would do so seriously though is beyond me.
Core requires a level of familiarity with the command line—which I personally have as a programmer—but I know a lot of people don't.
no it doesn't. it has a gui.
Installing dependencies, building from source, etc, is not something everyone knows how to do.
You need zero command line familiarity to install and run Bitcoin core. this is extremely concerning to see this level of misinformation from someone so technical.
You don't need to install dependencies unless you are using a fresh out of the box linux OS.
Sorry, I missed that it's available as an executable. A mistake on my side.
highly recommend https://raspibolt.org guide. swap the 'arm' releases for linux packages on a debian-based os if you don't have a spare pi.
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