I used to listen to the Capitalisn't podcast a lot... but Zingales' Italian accent, and Bethany's soft-minded wokey shit eventually was too much for me.
Haven't followed them for years. So apparently a few days ago they had Eugene Fama on, and they discussed Bitcoin. WOOHOOO. (#863751). Here's the episode:
Cryptocurrencies are such a puzzle because they violate all the rules of a medium of exchange
This is pretty stupidly said, given that there are no "rules" of a MoE. What exactly is it that bitcoin is violating? Gravity? God? What some wise-ass economist once said from their cushy ivory tower?
This bit is all true, old, or irrelevant. It'd be better if BTC/USD didn't jump around as it does (#875436), but now that's the case... and whether it's useful as currency (i.e., technically functions) is a separate issue to that. 1
(put differently, imagine bitcoin never deviated from the dollar... I know, insane, and how would that be achieved, but let's ignore that... that just means bitcoin is a stablecoin, and there is no further gain from trying to bootstrap an improved currency system.)
Fama continues to say that the probability of bitcoin collapsing to zero within a decade is a 100%! For someone well versed in efficient markets—literally the father of the EMH, the guy famously skeptical of the very existence of bubbles; it's pretty insane of him to say that this thing is a bubble. Nevermind its ATH, nevermind its 16y Lindy. Like, come on dude. I know for a fact that you're better than this. In fact, in the very episode itself you lay out the counterargument to saying that bitcoin is a bubble destined for death:
Can you spot [financial bubbles]? I can’t. My definition of a bubble is very simple. It’s something that has a predictable ending. If you can’t predict when it’s going to end, you’re just using this word loosely.
The persistence of Bitcoin poses a challenge to established economic principles. “I’m hoping it will bust,” Fama said, “because if it doesn’t, you have to start all over with monetary theory.”
This is absolutely correct. Bitcoin breaks all the models. Bitcoin definitely challenges a lot of established wisdom in monetary economics, and its existence/flourishing definitely undermines a lot of what mainstream/legacy economists think they know about the wonderful world of money.
All over the episode, Fama is doing a great job taking apart preconceived notions of bubbles and whatever "intrinsic value" (#836811) is supposed to be.
...and then he pretzels himself into estupidez unworthy of a Nobel Laureate:
- "It’s only digital gold if it has a use. If it doesn’t have a use, it’s just paper. Not paper, it’s air, not even air."
- "Gold has many use cases"
- Bitcoin's collapse is close to 100%... "I still believe in monetary theory, though. I may be wrong."
yea, no shit.
... but he was being a total joker: "Luigi made me put a term limit on it. I’d take 10 years because I’m 86 years old. The likelihood that I’m going to have to pay up on this one is pretty low."
Plus, reading the transcript you can just ignore Luigi's comments. They're really asinine—amagad, Bitcoin uses energy! oh no, there isn't smart programming...
tl;dr, smart people ridiculing bitcoin. It's not even the "then they fight you" stage.
Over and out
"On Price and Output Volatility: How Bad is Bitcoin’s Flaw?" The Daily Economy, Dec 20, 2021: https://thedailyeconomy.org/article/on-price-and-output-volatility-how-bad-is-bitcoins-flaw/ ↩