Below is a collection of data on some of the top LN routing nodes in September. On the Y-axis is their BTC-denominated routing volume, and above each bar is a normalized ratio of routing volume divided by public capacity.
Interestingly, these routing nodes are all routing more than their public capacity each month.
I wonder if this trend can be extrapolated to the entire Lightning Network (and what kind of discounting would be required to eliminate double-counting)?
With some additional data, we might be able to back into a rough estimate for Lightning Network payment volume.
For example, if we assume every node is routing an average of 1x their public capacity each month, and apply a 50% discount for double-counting payments, we’d be left with 2,500+ BTC of Lightning payments/month (5,000*0.5).
That’s $50M of payments/month, or $600M/year.
No idea if my discount assumptions above are even reasonable, just saying that this information could help estimate a range for overall Lightning payment volume.
Hoping someone can chime in with a better framework for estimating double-counting payments…
That chart might be the routing volume of the Top lightning nodes that report the data in that period.
None of those in the list are even in the top 3 of nodes: ACINQ, Wallet of Satoshi and Bcash is trash. I cant image any of these 3 missing there, but I can be wrong.
The centrality of a node is an important concept to understand and must be use to calculate the amount of single transactions in the network.
I would say that all transactions go through one or two of the top 5 nodes at some hop.
this is just a collection of top LN nodes, perhaps the title is confusing.
It’s not meant to say that these nodes routed more than all other nodes on the network, this was the only data I could find.
Important topic, I hope people pay more attention
I wonder how the BTC routed volume information is obtained
all data was reported by the node operators
hello, is there a link that goes with this question? it’s a good question, maybe we should just ask our friends at CA what the volume is 😩