Hey Tip! I'm really curious to hear about your red pill journey at a high level :) also what was the TIPping point to leaving your VC job? Are you now a creator full time?
Hello!! Haha tipping point :)
I think past experiences in politics and traditional finance exposed me to how vulnerable proof of stake systems are to corruption. So there was always a sense of injustice in the back of my mind, which I thought could be solved through investing in technology (and fairer distribution of opportunities) via early stage venture investing.
I still think early stage investing plays a crucial role in society, but not in the form it has evolved into today. It has become less about the solutions and more about getting a "stake" and "owning" future cash flows, building moats and raising funds after funds and stacking fees. While I was at VC, I felt like a black sheep for believing the financial system was broken and Bitcoin is the answer. So I left.
I spend 100% of my time on Bitcoin, not always creating. Creating is one way I like to contribute to the ecosystem. I'm also working on a few other things :)
I had a quick chat with the Pleb Underground guys about how I got into Bitcoin if you're interested in hearing more: