Blogging forces clarity. It makes you structure your thoughts, sharpen your perspective. You stop writing fluff because — let’s be honest — you’re writing for yourself. And if you can’t keep yourself interested, nobody else stands a chance.
My vimwiki is like my personal blog (a wiki, really, but what's in a name). It's not even accessible to the outside world except the part with my ongoing projects that I've shared with my research advisor.
Indeed, it forces me to organize my thoughts. I do this nearly every other hour. Update my thoughts, plow through my simulations and the roadblocks I encounter. When it's not open, my productivity is down. When it is and I start writing in there from the first hour of the day, I'll have a productive day. It forces me to refocus and figure out at each timestep what is keeping me from getting to the next step.
. One is only interested in such a tool when a problem has already happened.