I am not a huge fan of Elon Musk either. It is undeniable that being able to pay anything on Twitter with bitcoin is a huge benefit. Also, my post was asking to be able to pay in sats. For the record, I would never sign up and pay Twitter a single sat right now. I'm certain most of the bitcoiners wouldn't either. The whole point is to get bitcoin as a Twitter payment method.
How would you feel if he sticks with his "doge coin only" pattern?
I would of course hate that, and that's certainly a possibility. However, one of Musk's priorities is eliminating bots, and that would be easily accomplished by creating a lnd-auth style log in and payment method. He is good friends with Jack Dorsey, who is working with LN now.
LNauth is just furthering the cat and mouse game. Bots can easily create lightning wallets, people on the other hand can't. I think Stacker has the right approach where you pay to post. This monthly fee approach is a bunch of crap unless this is only one tier of a tiered system. I really don't believe Elon when he says Doge is the future, I think he's grifting the shitcoiners... "pacing and leading" if you will... into his very public journey to bitcoin. That is, of course, assuming he is as smart as he has demonstrated himself to be. I admit he has surprised me with his sudden reversal on his purchase of Twitter, so I can't say I can predict what he will do.
I'm afraid that's what's going to happen.