pull down to refresh
Excellent work! Thanks
My pleasure, truly. This is just the preliminary oneliner - I'm fully spent after coding for the past 13h so the final thing will have to come later. For real: getting old sucks.
PS: 💡 Let's see how far we can go in supporting all the research stackers need with sovereign, open-source automation. There's so many bitcoiners with great automation/research skills - and I have seen many of them hanging here.
I am not a coder at all, and I wasn't going to mention this because I don't know how difficult it would be, but I think it would really help liquidity to have some sort of open source trading aid that can be used by anyone who wants to be a market maker on p2p platforms. It would help set prices to generate a target profit, considering fees, market premium, etc. Then people would be incentivized to provide liquidity. It would be almost like open source prop trading software.
We can plot the bid/asks to an extent, and the premiums too.
This is what the orderbook json contains for each order (with a couple optional fields we can deal with):
"id": 31829,
"created_at": "2025-02-13T10:08:07.472893Z",
"expires_at": "2025-02-14T01:08:07.472893Z", <--- can check what doesn't expire
"type": 0, <-- 0 = buy, 1 = sell
"currency": 2, <--- see frontend/static/assets/currencies.json
"amount": null,
"has_range": true,
"min_amount": "500.00000000", <--- could use this for liquidity estimates
"max_amount": "1840.00000000", <--- could use this for liquidity estimates too
"payment_method": "Revolut", <-- looks to be freeform-ish, not sure how useful
"is_explicit": false,
"premium": "0.51", <--- looks good for everything I looked at thus far, except XAU
"satoshis": null,
"maker": 1234,
"escrow_duration": 28800, <--- may be interesting to measure over time
"bond_size": "3.00", <--- interesting
"latitude": null, <--- hopefully NO ONE USES THIS
"longitude": null, <--- hopefully NO ONE USES THIS EITHER
"maker_nick": "xxxxx", <--- i'd strip this
"maker_hash_id": "1234567890abcdef...", <--- i'd strip this too
"satoshis_now": 1994359, <--- i need to reverse engineer wtf this is
"price": 92260, <--- this is a bid price (because type=0)
"maker_status": "Inactive" <--- interesting too?
Wow! That's terrific. I can't wait to see it in action.
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/federation.json | jq -r '. | to_entries | .[] | select(.key != "local") | ["curl -s --proxy socks5h://localhost:9050 ", .value.mainnet.onion, "/api/book/ -o ", .key, ".json"] | join("")' | sh && (curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/assets/currencies.json && echo $(cat temple.json lake.json veneto.json moon.json | jq --slurp )) | jq --slurp | jq -r '["temple","lake","veneto","moon"] as $fed | ["buy","sell"] as $tp | .[0] as $lkup | .[1] | (to_entries | .[] | .key as $k | reduce .value[] as $b ({}; .[$fed[$k] + "," + $lkup[($b.currency | tostring)] + "," + $tp[$b.type]] += 1) | to_entries) | .[] | [.key, .value] | join(",")'