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I imagine there's going to have to be a hard fork eventually. What do you think is going to he the catalyst? Quantum encryption?
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Feb
when Coinbase gets hacked
That's going to be a complete shit show.
bch or b cash was a hard fork
I know that, i assume there's going to need to he another one at some point.
have there been other hard forks in the past?
No, unless you count some of the very early development by Satoshi, which I don't think count. Nothing that happened before Satoshi's disappearance should be counted, imo.
It's important to note that hard-forks are not bad, by themselves. The problem is consensus... we have to be sure that more than 95% of nodes are going to join the new fork and allow the old one to die. Without ridiculously high consensus, a new blockchain is created, such as what happened with BCH.
Hard forks are great. But we need to have a motto that goes something like, "I swear to never hard-fork if there is not total consensus. Fuck Roger Ver."
Any bitcoin improvement proposal must get 90% approval from miners to 'pass'
I think the threshold is 90%
The blcokchain/Roger Ver war in 2017 was interesting because miners wanted bigger blocks but nodes defeated miners
update: when did Satoshi disappear? I believe his last post on bitcoin talk forum was December 2011, maybe it was Dec 2010. He disappeared around the same time there was a lot of heat on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange