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I had a bad experience orangepilling in the last months, a barber shop..I teached the guy how to use WoS, after a few months he almost double the money and said to be he's not accepting it anymore because he can't find another place to spend it. How stupid people can be, he flew away from venezuela and still don't get bitcoin...this kind of experience makes me think some people will simply just be poor forever.
Orange pilling is hard. Can only help those who want to help themselves. These days, I prefer talking Bitcoin to Bitcoiners and not bothering normies.
True, I tend to do the same but I have a selfish motive orangepiling more poeple around me to use LN can result in more routing for my cousin's node.
people will simply just be poor forever.
He's right. Not enough places to spend Bitcoin is the biggest bottleneck.
Wrong, there are but you are not looking for. And if you do not see them, make it happen.
yes, there's no excuse for it only laziness and the love for poverty. I am tired of trying to increase adoption then I convince one of those people that after some months look at me like I was tricking them into some coin that "nobody" uses, even if they double or more their capital.
denial is the worst enemy of adoption
it's what killed mainstream linux desktop too. Denial.
My linux desktop is working just fine, normies will be normies.
your one desktop won't move the market share from 5% to 80% 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't care, it works for me and that's what matter, if someone wants help to isntall linux i help them