haha right on!! maybe @k00b will get to this one on time! If not hope the person that claims it can pass it along as well :)
Yes thank you for the feedback, I'll work with the team on making the Fiat to Sats unit a lot more comprehensive, I myself still get confused.
Also, follow us on Twitter if you can @lightsats21 we're part of the BOLT🔩FUN Legends of Lightning⚡️Tournament and have been building this product for the last 3 weeks, so lots of work to do.
Thanks a lot for interactive with it and giving us feedback and also for passing along the 1000 sats, maybe at some point we can turn it into a Lightsats Torch🔥
Oh and one last thing, check out the scoreboard - https://lgt.st/scoreboard
Followed! Very cool scoreboard too, love the idea! I mentioned your project in my weekly Lightning news recap back in October, it's really impressive to see what you've come up with in no more than a few weeks. Keep it up!
🙏woah! Really appreciate it, thank you for mentioning our project to your audience and most importantly sharing the link otherwise I would have never known this mention existed out there!
I got really lucky to have René & Roland join me to build the project!
I’ll keep you informed on our progress as we go, I post our weekly updates here on SN every Sunday!