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Don’t get me started on abortion and the Canadian system. When my wife was pregnant with our daughter she had to switch obstetricians because the first one she had made her feel uncomfortable constantly reminding her she had x amount of weeks if she wanted an abortion. My wife was like “I am not having an abortion” but the doctor kept telling her it’s an option and saying “I just need to make you aware of all your options”.
It creeped my wife out so she found a new doctor.
It's good that they changed doctors. I understand that due to certain policies they must give information about it, but if she had already said that it was not an option, why the hell would she insist?
What the actual fuck? Was the guy getting a commission on fetuses?
Haha I thought about it but I didn't say it. This world is crazy.
It was a female doctor. Not sure what was with that lady. The second doctor we had was awesome.
Maybe she was making a necklace...