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3 million federal employees
20 million federal contractors
Why don’t we fire the contractors first?
The gov doesn't pay the pensions of those contractors either...
Yep yep!
To be clear... I say cut the employees and the contractors... but I would start with the employees :)
I mean you have to start somewhere.... one leads to a long term investment and the other.... well it doesnt lol
Yep and it is likely easier to add contractors back in when the next admin comes to power.
isn't it easier to fire contractors? why not start there?
Because the clock for the probationary hires was ticking and each day more and more would more or less "graduate" to the wild protection that civil service offers. Plus contractors can be fired sure but a lot of contracts would still have to be honored so it would be better to let them just run their course and run out (that would likely be September fwiw).
contracts can be cancelled
19 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 18 Feb
My guess is that you'd get better results and save money by firing the employees and only using contractors... but I feel ya.
The irony of people that "believe" in the government is that it would likely completely fail in days if the private companies that make everything work stopped doing their work for the government. This is why I laugh when people think he have to have the state! Who would build the roads!!!? The same companies that do it now likely... for less money paid by corporations that need them. Likely there would be subscription plans for using the roads and tolls.
The only reason why non-socialist economies don't collapse is because the government doesn't run the economy completely. The more close you get to central planned econs the worse the situation will get.
there are at least 20 million contractors vs 3 million federal employees
Contracts are often a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to fire. If the government fully ran everything itself the unions would absolutely destroy any sort of budget.
They need the government Tit flowing with milk to make their payroll.