pull down to refresh

I'm looking for a system/wallet/app that will notify me whenever there's movement on my wallet. Electrum on the computer does it but if I'm not on my computer I'll miss the notification. I understand the latest versions of BlueWallet support it but it doesn't work if you set it up to use your own electrum server (which makes it non-private).
So the functional requirements are as such:
  • needs to be private (eg support bringing my own electrum server)
  • notifies me whenever any address (ie supports xpubs) in my wallet gets a transaction (incoming or outgoing)
  • notification is sent to my phone
If there isn't an off-the-shelf solution, we might need to build it.
These are the options I'm considering:
  1. A small, native (android) app that takes an xpub and an electrum server URL and polls electrum and generates local notifications (fully local, I'm not that keen on building native android app tho)
  2. The same but as a local-first webapp that can be installed locally. Requires using a proxy however because PWAs can't directly to electrum as it's TCP not HTTP)
  3. A service whereby users can download a script to run locally which would take an xpub and compute a bloom filter, the filter then is uploaded to the web service, the web service returns a ntfy.sh/<topic> for the user to subscribe to (leverages exsiting ntfy.sh apps, supports ios and android, somewhat private as ntfy wouldn't know your exact addresses, privacy could be further improved by running ntfy app over tor using Orbot)
  4. I could fork/extend https://github.com/BlueWallet/GroundControl to support ntfy.sh notifications
The ideal solution is one that anyone could use without having to run a service themselves (besides electrum of course). So I kinda like (1), (2) and (3) more than (4).
IDEALLY, one of you can point me to an off-the-shelf solution without having to build anything new.
If you run a node, you can write a little script that checks it for transactions and sends you a message over a number of chat protocols, XMPP works great. Then there's no need to build an android app.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @o OP 13h
Good idea. I suppose I could use the ZMQ interface. I like your XMPP suggestion too, thanks. Still nothing off the shelf but hopefully I can wrap this up into some sort of reusable unit that I can share with others.
Maybe you should ask Gilfoyile about his notification system