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I demand perfection in politics which means no politics at all. I will not accept any less than that.
Im tha same. But I can recognize one is closer to right than another. That doesn't mean I suddenly worship the state or believe in some man.
The problem is he is fake. I don't think he has noble intentions at all. I don't think he wants to improve his country, but to improve the portfolio of his masters.
A fake politician? Wow, that's original. He probably is fake. I don't live there and have zero skin in the game. What I found most interesting was a politician winning while speaking liberty talking points. Been skeptical of him and remain that way. I also suspect he will have many socialist arrows pointed at him. Don't know what to tell you. I don't worship politicians.
Remember: all politicians lie. The always say you what you want to hear, and then they do whatever they want with the power that you, stupidly, gave them.
and voters are complicit for voting for liars, for being gullible, why? because most voters lie to themselves
noble intentions are overrated
the road to hell is paved with noble intentions